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ProtegeMaster January-24th-2003 06:35 PM

Escort Engine?
Hey folks-- This has been weird: Nowhere out there have I been able to find out the engine number for a 1995 Ford Escort. You know, our 3rd Gen. Pros use the FS-DE, etc.. Well, what the hell is the 1.9 liter '95 Escort's engine number!?

My girlfriend has been having stall problems on her '95 Escort LX and I wanted to do a bit of 'net research on that problem to see if it's common to that engine. I had the understanding that the Escort GT's used Mazda engines, but the cheesy 1.9 liters were from Ford. Either way, you can't friggin' find what the hell the engine is called!

This is just posted with the hope that someone out there on our forum knows or at least has an idea where to look...

Thanks everyone!

protejay January-24th-2003 08:09 PM

kcbhiw January-24th-2003 08:41 PM

Yes, it is a CVH engine. The engine design dates back to the 70's. There is nothing Mazda about that engine. What kind of problems are you having? I just sold a 96 with with that engine. I know that car, and its engine inside and out, for the most part. Let me know and I'll try to give ya some advice.

On a side note, I don't trust too many of those guys at the board the link was provided. I haven't been able to get much good info from them.

kcbhiw January-25th-2003 01:36 AM

yeah, it is a pretty old design. the old escort GT's used the same engine with a better designed header and intake. which you can switch over to your engine to gain some decent power.
The old 1.9 HO head was a bit different than the 2nd gen's head in that the valves were significantly larger. The second gen 1.9L had the smallest valves of any of the later CVH engines (1st gen 1.9s and 3rd gen 2.0s).

Ford did a really bad job on the second gen 1.9's. Not only were they inefficicient, they werent' very reliable in some cases. Mine dropped a valve seat at 72k miles, destroying the engine. Upon a bit of research afterwards, it seems that there are quite a large number of second gen Escorts with the 1.9 that are dropping valve seats. What a shame.

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