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Protege5chick May-25th-2002 02:06 AM

Dumb woman!
Ok....bare with me coz I need to vent!!!!!!

Let's see, where to start? Well, I parked and went into the bank... then, I came out and just when I got about 2 feet from my car, a lady driving an Aztek opens her door on MY car!!!! I looked to see if there were any marks (yes there was a scuff but it came off) I ask the lady if she noticed what she did and I expected an apology THAT'S ALL I WANTED!!!:mad: and do you now what she had the nerve to say???? She goes: "Oh my god, take a chill-pill!"

HOW RUDE!!!! Not even a 'sorry' but all i got was attitude!!! Why are ppl so dumb? I just wanted a that so much to ask????

webmaster May-25th-2002 03:15 AM

i would have kicked her fucking car door and said .. AHhhh .. i do feel better thank you :)

pro5girlie May-25th-2002 10:01 AM

Exactly what I was thinking. I would have kicked her f***ing door, and said nothing. Get in my car, chirp the tires, then drive away. Ahhhh, much better.

Sir Nuke May-25th-2002 11:32 AM

that or WRITTEN "chill pill" with my key in her door!! what a bitch!!! i hate people like that.....

Racer91 May-25th-2002 11:43 AM

Or you could have said...

"Im sorry you havent been laid in over a year, but thats no need to be a bitch"


dre2ooo May-25th-2002 12:33 PM

Yeah, I tend to stay as far away from SUVs as possible... ESPECIALLY Azteks. BUt i guess you couldn't have avoided that :(.

Stay away cuz it takes a FUCKED UP person to buy/drive an Aztek or comparable. ;)

turbonium959 May-25th-2002 01:29 PM

Finally, the topic I can put my $.02 on. Please do not be offended, but most women do not know how to drive. They get offensive right of the way, and it is never their fault. Now, that I have read what happened to you, I hate bad women drivers more, even more, those that drive Assteks. I hate when women get away with speeding tickets by flirting with cops, and making up the most ridiculous stories. I think it would be safer for all men drivers out there to have bad women drivers use public trasnportation, like Pink Busses that have many mirrors inside, and come with emergency make-up kits.

Protege5chick May-25th-2002 01:50 PM

Originally posted by turbonium959
Finally, the topic I can put my $.02 on. Please do not be offended, but most women do not know how to drive. They get offensive right of the way, and it is never their fault. Now, that I have read what happened to you, I hate bad women drivers more, even more, those that drive Assteks. I hate when women get away with speeding tickets by flirting with cops, and making up the most ridiculous stories. I think it would be safer for all men drivers out there to have bad women drivers use public trasnportation, like Pink Busses that have many mirrors inside, and come with emergency make-up kits.
i am not offended, but i am a little erked by the fact that u have a stereotypical view of women. I do admit that some can't drive, but the most of us can...btw, my guy friends are just as good about getting off the ticket situation.

protetype May-25th-2002 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Protege5chick

i am not offended, but i am a little erked by the fact that u have a stereotypical view of women. I do admit that some can't drive, but the most of us can...btw, my guy friends are just as good about getting off the ticket situation.

your guy friends flirt with male cops too? :eek: that's disturbing. lol. j/k. i agree with most women drivers being terrible. in the past week, i've almost been hit atleast 5 times by a woman in an suv. and one in a bmw. three of the times, they were on a cell phone! one of them, i actually had to downshift and use my nitrous to get away from this one lady who absolutely would not look at the road. i was afraid for my life. then, as my friend was leaning over and using the horn, she actually flipped us off for her bad driving.

NoahsMP5 May-25th-2002 05:06 PM

I 'm going to have to vote for scratching " chill pill" on her car. As for female drivers I 'm going to have to agree. With the exeption of my wife who drives like a grandma. At least 75% of women I see driving have a damn cell phone in there hands. Maybe 50% of men I see. I think that accounts for Tampa having the worst streets for pedestians in the country. Anyways kick the bitch in the head too.:D

onehawaiian May-25th-2002 06:15 PM

now just to be fair, when there is a hot girl driving next to me, i turn into the bad driver as i stare at her and totally ignore the road! :D but i've noticed a lot of female drivers are somewhat defensive which makes it even more dangerous at times. i do have a lot of female friends that are good drivers, but in general women (and it's mostly the morning rush-hour moms, make-up artists, etc) seem to be less assertive on the road.

but as for miss chill pill, you shoulda' bent over slowly and spit right on her door handle. crude i know, but kinda funny in a warped way. and it'll make you feel really good too. :barf:

captncab May-25th-2002 07:09 PM

I actually refuse t drive my car to the local grocery store because here in the napa valley EVERYBODY drives the largest most expensive SUV you can find. And nobody cares if they hit your car. I had more damage done in one year to my car here than 5 years in San Diego.

Also, the worst drivers are those damn soccer moms in SUVs. If the F*ckin car is too big DON"T DRIVE IT!!!!:mad:

Protege5chick May-26th-2002 01:23 AM

Originally posted by protetype
your guy friends flirt with male cops too? :eek: that's disturbing. lol. j/k. i agree with most women drivers being terrible. in the past week, i've almost been hit atleast 5 times by a woman in an suv. and one in a bmw. three of the times, they were on a cell phone! one of them, i actually had to downshift and use my nitrous to get away from this one lady who absolutely would not look at the road. i was afraid for my life. then, as my friend was leaning over and using the horn, she actually flipped us off for her bad driving.
haha...oops, i guess you knew what i meant. btw, I seriously am one to advocate for a special liscence to mini-van/suv mom' offense to anyone out there but a lot of them do not know the size of their car and they have to go back and forth a few hundred times before they get in/out of a parking stall!

tttP5 May-26th-2002 04:21 AM

SUV pickup Minivan stuff are alll just wrong: ....

Minivan - when does a modern family have more than 2 kids??

SUV - most americans don't need a SPORT ulitily vehicle cause the only sport they'll be doing is ass warming the couch and watching someone else on TV to sports

Pickup - ok, how many of us live on farms???

"Ppl who drive big cars think its not safe on the streets therefore they need a bigger car for protection against fatal collisions".... that was what some cali lady congress person (I think) said on the news, way I see it is their just so scared because they drive like s*it as well.....

america is the only country in the world that has so many SUVs type cars in the city and running like 17mpgs.... I thought america was supposed to be really into enviornmental concerns... . guess they are when it comes to contolling other contries but WTF cares, we are such a big country, who can control us.

oh... almost forgot.... the written chill pill would be a great idea

once my friend saw a new RSX on the road and it had the words VTEC sprayed all around it! the driver must have stirred up some BPOS to get that done.

another idea is if u had soda at that time... esp a dark coloured one like coke, pour that on the roof, the dumb ass woman hopefully won't notice.... and when it gets baked in the sun she'll have a custom decal!

king_girliegirl May-26th-2002 05:52 AM

i just have to put my $0.02 in on this subject...

Personally I find it VERY annoying that so many men stereo type female drivers. True a lot of woman can't drive, but neither can a lot of men there for you shouldn't blame one sex over the other. Second of all I think it's BS how many guys think that a girl can get out of a ticket by flirting, trust me it doesn't work!!! Guys are just as likely to get out of a ticket by "flirting" with a female cop as a female does "flirting" with a male cop. Oh and one last thing...for all you guys that talk about females don't pay attention to the road because they are busy putting on their makeup, what about all the guys that don't pay attention to the road cause they are busy playing with the stereo??? Just a little something to think about before you stereo type women drivers.

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