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vegasdriver December-6th-2005 11:05 AM

Do you still get axed (asked) what kinda car is that?
Drove up to a nearby Starbucks the other day and had a guy asked me "is that one of those new hybrids"? :cookoo:
We are in the third production year of the MZ3 and people still don't know it? :smileysho
Do you still get axed that same question ? (MZ3 or Protege)

Jackelope December-6th-2005 11:27 AM

I 63t ax3d th4t qu3sti0n 4b0ut my m4zd4sp33d :)

ghettopro December-6th-2005 11:44 AM

I sometimes get asked about my 92 Pro, ppl must not know them to well considering there have been most at one time of about 3? now Im the only one left...

Roddimus Prime December-6th-2005 12:13 PM

everyone thinks my p5 is a wrx.

Anarchistchiken December-6th-2005 01:38 PM

I wanna throw a brick at your face for actually talking like that...

And yes.

chiefmg December-6th-2005 02:17 PM

I don't get that, but when my gf drives it she gets people yelling they like it! Must be the driver.

vegasdriver December-6th-2005 03:02 PM

Originally Posted by Anarchistchiken
I wanna throw a brick at your face for actually talking like that...

And yes.

like what? :wave:

Roddimus Prime December-6th-2005 04:16 PM


ghettopro December-6th-2005 05:32 PM

We R gunna AXE ur face!!!!


Jackelope December-6th-2005 05:44 PM

^ maybe it was the semi-l33t talk :)

meGrimlock December-6th-2005 11:26 PM

j00 r n07 l337!!~ 3y3 M t3h 0n3 7ru3 h4x0rZ
i wish people would pay more attention to the badges and names all over the cars instead of going "whats car is that?" its a problem many honda and chevy owners have in my area. they like putting HUUUUGE [H] or bow-tie stickers on their rear window that block 50% of their view. i guess its to remind them exactly what it is they are driving

QWKSILVR02 December-7th-2005 03:11 PM

Here are all the cars Ive been accused of being. ZX5, ZX3, Si, Matrix, Is300, WRX, Vibe. Or they chase me down (going way out of their way) just to ask me. People dont pay attention and just throw out names hoping and praying their right so they can feel knowledged out cars.

ghettopro December-7th-2005 04:28 PM

People have no intellegence what so ever...

for some reason when Im driving down the road minidng my own busienss people feel the need to try and run with me...

and when it gets dark and tehy see neon...i swear they go Ape S***...

Phantom Cruiser December-12th-2005 12:29 PM

I got axed if I had VTEC once... :rofl:

chiefmg December-12th-2005 02:24 PM

I saw a Suzuki Samurai with VTEC least that's what the side badge said, and no one would lie about a thing like that, would they?!

For as long as I can recall, people have not read car badges. As you have all noted, more often than not the ones who know the least will put forth wild guesses on what you are driving. You wouldn't believe what I have heard about my '81 RX-7. I just politely smile and tell them what it really is. I haven't really gotten too much about my Protege, but then it is a sedan.

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