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Sir Nuke March-1st-2002 08:31 PM

do you have trouble or don't know how to post pictures to our board?
Do you have trouble or not know how to post a picture to our board? Do you not know of a place to host your images? How would you like 15 Meg of server space for you to use as you see fit? NO COST.....its really easy....and quite simple, and if you are already a registered YAHOO user...its nearly already set up other than a few clicks of the mouse button. IF this interests you.....go to and you can set up your own homepage for free (its on the left hand side where is says "try geocites for free") ....yeah you say what does that have to do with it...and you don't want or need a homepage...well all you have to do is register and obtain the page....go into the filemanager and insert the index page...even if its a blank page....for all you are needing is the server space....then you can VERY EASILY upload any picture you want to the server in YOUR space....then use the linking IMG button above to link to that image. its a piece of cake..........if this interests you....and you are having trouble getting it set up....drop me an email and I will see if I can help you out. Just be specific in the mail as to what problem you are having getting it set up. I have seen to many people post that they don't know how...or are having trouble finding someone to host their images. Also...if you have an image that you would like sized and don't know how.....I can do that for you to. just email it to me....I'll size it and mail it back to you. :D

Sir Nuke March-1st-2002 08:39 PM

thats funny....I am doing it?.... :bt: and its working for me! SEE the image in the next post! :bt:

Sir Nuke March-1st-2002 08:43 PM

that image is linked off of geocities....and it happens to be my last hotrod.....pretty sad huh? was a terrible loss.:( and believe it or not....I was IN that car when the accident occured....actually went airborne and did a half roll and landed on the top.....if nothing else, that sort of thing will make you a true believer in seatbelts. DON'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT THEM. I didn't get a single scratch :bt:

Sir Nuke March-1st-2002 08:56 PM

try reloading the page....cause its staring me in the face...its right here.

Brubeck March-1st-2002 08:58 PM

No, we're not getting it... It's probably cached in your browser... try deleting all of your temporary internet files... I bet you won't see it anymore...

Sir Nuke March-1st-2002 09:08 PM

well it was an idea....if it doesn't work ALL the time for EVERYONE...its not worth the time or trouble. ya see...when I came to view YOUR new posts....I got an X too. hmmmm very interesting.....good thing I have a REAL server of my own domain that I can load to so this sort of thing doesn't happen....

if you can't or don't see the image I was refering to above...and even care to see it...and the custom I built...try looking HERE the image I was refering to is at the very bottom of the page.:D

By The Way....the offer still stands for resizing any images ya need done . :bt:

Brubeck March-1st-2002 09:17 PM

Oh dude... why don't you just do it like this:

he he he... just kidding.

I don't know why everyone else has a problem with this... the last 4 ISPs that I've gotten access through have offered free personal web space... With my latest DSL connect, I actually have 4 sites...


Brubeck March-1st-2002 09:18 PM

Hey... the really funny thing is, that now that I put that pic up, I can see it in your original post... I wonder if everyone else can too???

Sir Nuke March-1st-2002 10:26 PM

well thanks for putting that up....for those that didn't feel the need to go to the actual site and take a look.....someone put up a thread a few days ago titled "who has hand an accident" or something close to that....I made a post there.....the picture you see here is the result of the accident I spoke of. It was Feb. 23, 1994......a very sad day. For those of you that may remember a post I made refering to my HotRod VW....that was it....there wasn't a Z-28 or 5.0 Mustang in the county that could touch that little sleeper in the Quarter mile......she was a true gas to run. :bt:

SpaR/Ticus March-3rd-2002 08:02 PM

With geoshitties just changed the jpg extension to txt or something else after it's uploaded.

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