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cjb200 January-4th-2003 07:39 PM

Detroit Auto Show Pics
For anyone that's interested, click here.

Lots of interesting (some in a bad way) designs. There was supposed to be a Mazda concept, but I haven't seen it yet.

turbonium959 January-4th-2003 10:00 PM

How did you get those pics? I mean some of them have not been officially released yet, I think! Awesome pics, don't like some of the new cars, Chevy Colorado, Malibu, new Caddies, New Durango, New Maxima looks like a bigger Altima beaten by an ugly stick. I do not know what the hell the new Rolls-Royce is supposed to be, and the Nissan minivan is just a big questiion mark! Anyhow, enough of me expressing my opinion. I think there is a pattern of very ugly cars making into production, and I hope that Mazda will not follow this pattern.

funkdaddysmack January-4th-2003 10:11 PM

Thanks for the link. Why the HELL are 90% of new cars so freaking ugly? Just about every new design I've seen has been following the trend of 'bigger' is better. No more sleek lines, it's all bulk. BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

The Pontiac GTO is nice looking, though :) Too bad it's a pontiac, hehehe...


BTW, the pics aren't FROM the show itself... Looks like they're just promotional pics of the cars that will be featured at the show

alcoholiday January-4th-2003 10:14 PM

SWEET JESUS is the the new mustang ugly as shit!!!!!!!

redrims January-5th-2003 03:37 AM

Is it just me, or does it really seem that cars are getting more and more untasteful.:thumbs do

redrims January-5th-2003 03:50 AM

:rolleyes: So now that HUMUNGOUS Maxima is only a four seater. What a waste of weight a metal.:rolleyes:

ChargerGL January-5th-2003 05:50 PM

Wow i have been looking for pics from the show!

Thanks! :)

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