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5SpeedP5 January-18th-2003 01:33 AM

Damned Day!
Damn day just had to be bad.
So it started off not bad, had a day off before, but had to go back to school today of course. No biggie i just had one class and nothing to do in it. so i was up at 7:30, picked up my "friend" who was late of course, making me late to school (damnit), oh and i forgot my damn paper for the class at home, way to loose 20 points. agh

not to mention it was damned cold this morning to walk from our oh so distant lot at school.

after words i almost hit 3 people because of ice and their stupidity, making me hit 2 soft snow banks to keep from killing them, agh

after words i went to work for an hour as i was schedualed, didnt do much there, but later get a call bitching from my mom that i didnt do what i was supposed to (fuck that)

started out pretty good, hung out with my friends for lunch and crap, went to sams club (on the way i got the call from my mom)...
then i took my dad to pick up his new 65 riviera! boh yah that thing is awesome. drifted a few corners on the way home and such, took the rivi for a spin and such. Later i get a call while i am at home, one of my best friends got rear ended, and then in turn slid into a poll... and to make things worse he wasnt wearing a seat belt, and hit the windshield and roof of the car. Needless to say he was pretty fucked up in the E.R. spent some time there, but couldnt stand staying too long (i will be there all day tomarrow it sounds like :( )..... i hope he is okay! damn. So after a lot of deep breaths i went on with my day, and went to get the saving sole of my life, steph... best thing in my life right now.... and hang out with her til dinner

Started out ok, picked up steph of course, and picked up the same friend i did this morning (even more annoying now then, then) listened to him bullshit on teh way down to go out to eat with a group of people, as he pissed me and steph off...

got there, played some pool then all 20 of us sat down to eat the pizza, and of course there were the dumbasses that couldnt act their ages and started throwing stuff and just doing immature shit, nice way to piss me off when i had been pretty pissed all day. So me and steph, jaime and kyle ended up leaving for the night and hung out alone.

we went and got something to drink, and then went around and played a few strip games (nothing like two hot ass chicks naked in your car, and winning) then we get a call from a few friends as they went to my ex-g/fs house just to piss me off cause we ditched them.... nice, very nice

so the night continues on, take steph and jaime home, then kyle and i cruise around, to later get a fucking ticket from a cop for not using my signal fucking once! asshole 107 dollar ticket.

took kyle home, and tapped a escort as i turned a corner too... nice way to end the night, though it did nothing to my car...

ahh fun
:mad: :mad:

i think i need a few beers, chill pills, and alot of morphine....

not to mention a big :eek:

5SpeedP5 January-18th-2003 01:35 AM

oh btw, im on a school break, and this sort of thing has happened every school break this year... .wtf

coincidence? who knows, also i have no fucking clue what to do about my ticket, let alone my friend... i dunno how im going to react seeing him all cut up, his mom said to expect some pretty aweful stuff....


:end rant:

redrims January-18th-2003 04:26 AM


Thats really fucked up about the ticket:mad: Sorry 'bout your friend. Hope he gets better.

semtex January-18th-2003 09:41 AM

Originally posted by redrims

Thats really fucked up about the ticket:mad: Sorry 'bout your friend. Hope he gets better.

yea same here man

5SpeedP5 January-19th-2003 02:17 AM

ah and to top it all off, this shit kept me from spending the weekend in desmoines with Bryan (islandprospeed) and shit... we didnt get to go piss off some car dealers and race the pro vs. the se-r :D


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