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Rwt1 February-7th-2003 10:42 PM

Complete Morons
Had to drive from Brooklyn to Hartford in a pretty nice snow storm today and I gotta bitch about a few things that went on...

Driving down the Hutchinson Parkway in Westchester County...its a four lane highway...the left lane is nice and clear but the right lane is only half plowed. Going around a curve following about 4 other cars (we are all going about 45 cause of the snow) and I see a green sedan speeding up along the right. This fucking bitch driving sees she's going to be fucked and starts to veer into my lane at about 65-70 while shes right along side me on the curve. She's about two feet from my front quarter when she completely loses it and starts sideways. I tap the brakes so not to spin but lose it slightly anyways. This cunt goes into 360's right in front of me but luckily (for me) spins her dumbass off the road over the side...think I stopped to check on her...ummmm no...serves her right. ;pantdrop;

Then getting on 91...another wonderful woman in a *brand* new (saw the temps later) Sentra Spec V gets pissed cause I'm taking it slow on the on ramp and rides my ass until we get on 91 then floors it up the unplowed left lane and gives me the finger as she passes. Now I don't exactly know what happend but about 30 seconds later I see one car fly off the right side of the road up ahead, another fly left, then this bitches Sentra slam into the one on the left and another car slam into her. Now took all I had to not roll down my window as I drove by and tell that stupid wench how glad I was that she just royally fucked herself :evilgrin: but there were other involved so I didn't...

Saw two more people off the side before I got home. Seriously, the whole point of this rambling post is I just want one question answered:

Why don't people realize that snow is little ice particles that makes roads slippery and you can't go 70 in a snow-storm when the road hasn't been plowed?

KpaBap February-8th-2003 04:16 AM

That would require intelligence.

UCSBgeek February-8th-2003 04:20 AM

I wish you could paste a big sign on their windshield... "OWNED!"

Witchdoktor February-8th-2003 05:20 AM

At least....
the cunt and wench got what they deserved :argue:

semtex February-8th-2003 10:21 AM

Re: Complete Morons

Originally posted by Rwt1

Why don't people realize that snow is little ice particles that makes roads slippery and you can't go 70 in a snow-storm when the road hasn't been plowed?

because they have snow tires and traction controll so they think since they paid out the ass for these comforts that they can go to the north pole and back with no problem,

they did diserve it , that last lady i woulda drove by slowly and gave her the finger while laughfing LOL

Rwt1 February-8th-2003 12:11 PM

Oh trust me...I drove by nice and slow with a big ass grin on my face...but she was too busy crying and yapping to her boyfriend about how her poor car is totaled and it wasn't her fault.

This morning I had the thought that if I really wanted to screw her I should have pulled over and waited for the cop and said "Yeah I witnessed it....this one over here caused the whole thing."

Insurance companies love that the only sentra in CT insured for 5 g's a year.

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