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Hong Kong Fever June-15th-2003 04:47 PM

Civic Drivers PISS ME OFF!
OK, maybe not all of them, but goes my little rant for the day.

Got up late today because I had to get up @ 4:50 in the morning the day before for the car show. I had nothing to do, so I thought I'd go out and try to find the California Car Duster and the Mothers Chip Repair Kit. Got to Walmart, couldn't find I drove to Crappy Tire. As I was about halfway there, I come to the intersection where I usually turn off to get to my house, but I have to go straight to go to crappy tire. I'm just minding my own business and then this Red EG Civic pulls up. I could see him in the corner of my eye, but I didn't think much of it, as he seemed like he was minding his own business as well. I guess he caught a glimpse of my graphic or something and I guess that automatically entered his mind that I wanted to race. I'm still totally clueless, and I know my area well, as this light usually has a turning light first before you can go it turns green for the people turning, my eyes are still wandering looking @ the cars turning, and I could see the guy in the Honda inching up...whatever...once the light turns green, I do what I usually do and pick up like normal daily driving...the Civic on the other hand thinks it's a f'in street race near a residential area, peels out and rips it into second...I was like "WTF?!?!?" as he began to pull away leaving a plume of toxic crap from his exhaust probably cuz he doesn't take care of his car and beats the crap out of it...So I'm pissed now cuz this guy decides to do this near a residential area (MINE) and I begin to rev high and I easily matched his speed and began to slowly gain on him even after his little stunt...then he CUTS ME OFF!!! THAT MOTHER F'ER CUT ME OFF!!! I was so friggin pissed after that I began to speed up and I wanted to tail his ass, but he decides to turn off. I thought about following him, but I didn't want to follow since it would take me in the totally wrong direction of crappy tire. SCREW CIVIC OWNERS WHO THINK THEY OWN THE WHOLE FUCKING ROAD!!! Little kids were on the corner of that intersection, and if one decided to step out onto the road, the EG would have killed him...stupid senseless acts in broad daylight are GAY!!! I hit the next red and so did he, and since he had the turnoff he went first...I thought he was going to peel out again. NOPE, he proceeds like nothing happened and drives away like normal. Do all Civic owners have to prove to themselves that their cars are better than others??? WTF you don't see me approaching a light next to a Civic, don't even give them a sign that you want to race, and fucking peel off the line near a residential area...ARGH!!! CIVICS (most) PISS ME OFFFFFF!!!

ahhhh that felt so much better...thanks for letting me vent on here :D

mrpopnfresh June-15th-2003 05:57 PM

Don't worry, I feel your pain. Especially here in So Cal!! I even get that crap from Mustangs! I mean c'mon now! I'm in a friggin wagon!!

JAC June-15th-2003 07:14 PM

My eyes hurt from trying to read that :o .

TheMAN June-15th-2003 07:47 PM

Re: Civic Drivers PISS ME OFF!
you getting pissed and "rev high" makes you just as guilty if either of you have hit someone

should have grown up and let him go

Originally posted by Hong Kong Fever
OK, maybe not all of them, but goes my little rant for the day.

Got up late today because I had to get up @ 4:50 in the morning the day before for the car show. I had nothing to do, so I thought I'd go out and try to find the California Car Duster and the Mothers Chip Repair Kit. Got to Walmart, couldn't find I drove to Crappy Tire. As I was about halfway there, I come to the intersection where I usually turn off to get to my house, but I have to go straight to go to crappy tire. I'm just minding my own business and then this Red EG Civic pulls up. I could see him in the corner of my eye, but I didn't think much of it, as he seemed like he was minding his own business as well. I guess he caught a glimpse of my graphic or something and I guess that automatically entered his mind that I wanted to race. I'm still totally clueless, and I know my area well, as this light usually has a turning light first before you can go it turns green for the people turning, my eyes are still wandering looking @ the cars turning, and I could see the guy in the Honda inching up...whatever...once the light turns green, I do what I usually do and pick up like normal daily driving...the Civic on the other hand thinks it's a f'in street race near a residential area, peels out and rips it into second...I was like "WTF?!?!?" as he began to pull away leaving a plume of toxic crap from his exhaust probably cuz he doesn't take care of his car and beats the crap out of it...So I'm pissed now cuz this guy decides to do this near a residential area (MINE) and I begin to rev high and I easily matched his speed and began to slowly gain on him even after his little stunt...then he CUTS ME OFF!!! THAT MOTHER F'ER CUT ME OFF!!! I was so friggin pissed after that I began to speed up and I wanted to tail his ass, but he decides to turn off. I thought about following him, but I didn't want to follow since it would take me in the totally wrong direction of crappy tire. SCREW CIVIC OWNERS WHO THINK THEY OWN THE WHOLE FUCKING ROAD!!! Little kids were on the corner of that intersection, and if one decided to step out onto the road, the EG would have killed him...stupid senseless acts in broad daylight are GAY!!! I hit the next red and so did he, and since he had the turnoff he went first...I thought he was going to peel out again. NOPE, he proceeds like nothing happened and drives away like normal. Do all Civic owners have to prove to themselves that their cars are better than others??? WTF you don't see me approaching a light next to a Civic, don't even give them a sign that you want to race, and fucking peel off the line near a residential area...ARGH!!! CIVICS (most) PISS ME OFFFFFF!!!

ahhhh that felt so much better...thanks for letting me vent on here :D

Hong Kong Fever June-15th-2003 07:57 PM

Re: Re: Civic Drivers PISS ME OFF!

Originally posted by TheMAN
you getting pissed and "rev high" makes you just as guilty if either of you have hit someone

should have grown up and let him go

I went after him cuz the intersection we were @ was in-between neighborhoods and the speed limit was 80km/h. People were @ the light, and after the light, there aren't any walkways or people so I decided to go after him...BTW Strike 2, a Del Slow passed me in a playground zone doing 50km/h in a 30km/h zone...speeding and passing when there is only one lane

TheMAN June-15th-2003 08:02 PM

that still doesn't make it ok

you let your emotions potentially get you in trouble

Hong Kong Fever June-15th-2003 10:22 PM

yeah I know, wasn't bright, spur of the moment thing...didn't really think about it...oh well whats done is done...

UCSBgeek June-15th-2003 10:23 PM

I thought canadians were all friendly and courteous and shit :the finge :p

TheMAN is kinda right though, you can't let your emotions get you pissed off....but hey... not like I'm never guilty... :o

Bruce95fmla June-15th-2003 11:04 PM

yeah becareful man ,, the best thing is to ignore people like that. Don't join them ...

TheMAN June-16th-2003 12:51 AM

being a man and keeping your cool means:

when you jump on the highway at 2am in the morning just wanting to get the fuck home and this motherfucker comes out of no where blasting by you in an rsx and slowing down 2 lanes next to you honking the shit out of his pathetic stock piece of shit horn, you know some stupid shit is going down... the fucking piece of shit stays leeched onto you for the next 5 fucking minutes doing the same fucking bullshit and you're just minding your own goddamn business doing the fucking speed limit that just will piss you off.. what the fuck do you do... do you race this fucking trash, or do you just ignore that fuck? you slow down and speed up a bit to see what the fuck that piece of shit does and you see him turned over swerving all over the goddamn place.... the motherfucker is punching the shit out of his horn turned over yelling some stupid shit... so you flip the motherfucker off to tell him to fuck off.. what the fuck does he do... same shit... swerving all over the fucking place... you keep the corner of your eye peeled expecting this fuck do some ghetto shit... you are ready to do some serious saving your ass driving... 5 minutes later he gets really fucking pissed because you're being an asshole ignoring that fuck and he just swerves over, barely missing you and cuts you off and disappears doing over 100

leungwingkei June-16th-2003 12:51 AM

I chased cars that pissed me on when I was young. But now being older, I just let them go or maybe flick them off when I'm pissed.

Hong Kong Fever June-16th-2003 01:16 AM

I'm still 17 :D

demoninvictus June-16th-2003 07:29 AM

racing against a honda IMHO is a waste of my gas, my time, my patience, and my short life. and put it this way bud, smashing your pedal to the floor only wastes gas as well, so work the week, race a little on the week ends, and call it a week. picking pussy fights with an unworthy hunk of sheetmetal they like to call a car, isn't worth your time bud.

Roach220 June-16th-2003 09:44 AM

yea next time just remember that if you wanted to take him you could but fuck it is a god damn civic who couldn't take them...

funkdaddysmack June-16th-2003 10:02 AM

I get revved at sometimes when I'm in the 323, but I don't bother. Mostly because it's OBSCENELY slow... Seriously, I never even go over the speed limit when I'm in my 323, because it takes forever to get going that fast, plus I'm in 'cruise mode' anyways.

On the other hand, mix the much quicker protege with my short temper, and I occasionally do dumb things when I'm driving that around... Never in town though, that's just stupid...

mygreenmazda June-17th-2003 11:52 AM

I'm officialy tired of hondas and now whenever they want to race I tell them that I'm going to give them a 2 second head start and I still win. Its funny because I think honda drivers think that our mazdas are frickin slow and once we beat them they cant admit it, they always have some sort of excuse. Stupid Slowonda drivers.

Rynn June-18th-2003 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Roach220
yea next time just remember that if you wanted to take him you could but fuck it is a god damn civic who couldn't take them...

Haha, seriously though :) There's 3 guys at work who all have bought brand new Civic EX coupes within 6 months. When I drove my Mazda to work today for the first time, they were ragging on me, telling me how bad of an idea it was to buy a Mazda. I asked them "Have you ever driven a Mazda? Where'd you hear that they're bad cars?"

Their response? The old time favorite, "Well, so-and-so says they suck and Civics are rated better". Whatever. I drove a Civic the day I bought the Protege and I wasn't impressed. The gears seemed a little smoother, but the car was lacking some power, and I didn't feel like jumping on the bandwagon by getting the "popular" car. Instead, I shopped around and tested, and compared all kinds of things.

Besides, my car may not be the highest rated, but at least it's not one of the top 5 stolen cars :D

Makaveli June-18th-2003 03:11 PM

I hate people that think that stereotyping Civic drivers is bad. If there is EVER a car that cuts me off or does something that makes me wanna rip his head off, it's ALWYAYS a Honda, and usually a Civic. The rare, and I mean rare, exception is the occasional mom that's driving an SUV and that can't see me because of her 320 degree blindspot.

Maxx Mazda June-20th-2003 12:43 AM

What intersection was that at Justin?

UCSBgeek June-20th-2003 12:49 AM

Originally posted by TheMAN
being a man and keeping your cool means:

when you jump on the highway at 2am in the morning just wanting to get the fuck home and this motherfucker comes out of no where blasting by you in an rsx and slowing down 2 lanes next to you honking the shit out of his pathetic stock piece of shit horn, you know some stupid shit is going down... the fucking piece of shit stays leeched onto you for the next 5 fucking minutes doing the same fucking bullshit and you're just minding your own goddamn business doing the fucking speed limit that just will piss you off.. what the fuck do you do... do you race this fucking trash, or do you just ignore that fuck? you slow down and speed up a bit to see what the fuck that piece of shit does and you see him turned over swerving all over the goddamn place.... the motherfucker is punching the shit out of his horn turned over yelling some stupid shit... so you flip the motherfucker off to tell him to fuck off.. what the fuck does he do... same shit... swerving all over the fucking place... you keep the corner of your eye peeled expecting this fuck do some ghetto shit... you are ready to do some serious saving your ass driving... 5 minutes later he gets really fucking pissed because you're being an asshole ignoring that fuck and he just swerves over, barely missing you and cuts you off and disappears doing over 100

You're in Texas. It's called a gun :p

Cpt_Winky June-20th-2003 01:41 AM

I'd like to say that not all civic drivers are like that. My best friend has a civic and everytime were out at a damn traffic light some stupid goof in their dads f'n four door sedan or moms minivan revs the piss out of the engine and wants to go. The civic has a 105 horsepower !!! Yet when i'm in the pro no one wants to race. Another thing that pisses me off is those f'n idiots who hangout Tim hortons at night, with there stupid spray painted racing stripes on their rusted POS with f'n pathetic homemade "custom Stereos " cranked turning and stairing me down when i pull in to go through the drive thru. Maybe if put more effort into their cars instead of trying to look so cool and dangerous, maybe they'd drive something decent. Sorry about this, I just had to let this out.

hydrogaze June-21st-2003 03:58 AM

haha @ civics
I was about to take my lunch break at work, so i decided to go home for lunch. On the 10 west There was some slight traffic, but the pattern was perfect for our pro's cuz what was needed then was handling skills. I flew passed this ungodly farting civic and noticed in my rearview that he changed lanes when i passed him. a few cars up ahead there was a red integra. He heard my intake and got behind me too. The guy in the integra was on my ass until I changed lanes and he got stuck behind a bus heh :P. Within the next few miles we were racing, I changed lanes at least 14 times, swurved over 3 lanes at once, whatever i did got my adrenaline up so damn high:eek: . i bet it was quite a scene for that pos civic, seein a car being driven like that anyway, by the time the traffic came to a hualt I checked my rearview and saw that both cars were at least 10 cars behind.

protege > civic

:the finge

PapiTuyo326 February-15th-2005 08:15 PM

yay civics! everyone here <3s teh civic

seriously tho,this thread is funny. The guy in the EG might have been a douche, but you equalled his doucheness by "revving high"


ghettopro February-15th-2005 08:42 PM

Hey, high revving can put some HOnda owners in their place....

macdaddyslomo February-15th-2005 09:21 PM

another problem solved...trouble maker...just here to stir the sh**...this was an 8 month old thread

ghettopro February-15th-2005 09:30 PM

HOLY CRAp...i just now relized that...god im stupid...responding to a year old thread....ddamn....*slaps self* bad..

hughes412 February-15th-2005 10:23 PM


But while we are here, I never get anyone wanting to race me. Maybe its because they think I look mean. I've been told that I scare people because I look like I want to kill them. I DO! But not yaw HEHE.

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