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1chance April-14th-2002 12:16 PM

Chick thing
alight some of you out there got me all wrong. i was joking. i am going to buy th P5 cuz it handles great, has a soild base for aftermarket parts, and it also is tight as hell looking. the girl thing was just a joke...i got really bored. anyways


onehawaiian April-14th-2002 03:46 PM

oh, oooookay. so girls aren't your thing? ha ha LOL just kidding! :D yeah, i knew that. i mean who would buy a car to score? i mean at $18,000 u could get like 90 hookers @ $200/hr each! but i dunno, the handling and performance would be pretty intense... :p

good choice on the 5 tho! :)

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