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Ceej July-22nd-2004 09:50 PM


kcidmil July-23rd-2004 12:02 AM

Actually, my benefiets have not changed. And there's my point. Your friend made 82k right? I barely cleared 16K after taxes. Oh, and there's the possibility of overtime if you're not on a salary. Well guess what, I don't get anything like that. 24/7, 365. The only way we can make any good money in the military, is to go overseas to a base that is Tax free, and collect on hazardous duty pay, seperation pay (if you're married, which is only $100 a month), and pier diem (cost of living expenses).

A co-worker just got back and had enough to get his truck fixed, and put some money down on a new Titan.

And you wanna know where your money goes. The AF just passed a new PT uniform. The gov. picks up the bill for the enlisted. Officers have to pay for thiers, which is around $300 for 1 complete set. Now, think of how many enlisted there are in the AF alone. And put $300 per person. Nice little bill huh, and just for gym clothes.

Here's some pro's and cons


1.On-base housing (if married), or dorms, not cost to you except for phone, cable, and insurance. Water, Gas, and electric are paid by the military.
2. Job Training
3. 30 days paid vacation (provided there's still enough people in your shop to cover)
4. Free medical, free dental for military member, reduced and co-pay for civilian family.
5. Mark downs on some items from business's. (if they even offer)

1. No overtime (spent 14 hours shifts during snow storm in March)
2. Go away from family and friends for atleast 3 months, possibly more than year.
3. Break something in that gov. owned house that was part of the house. Bill beyond belief. Contractors charge outragous prices on stuff. And guess who picks up the bill. Not the gov. oh noo, u broke, u buy it. Example, HOLLOW interior door, $80
4 Get shot at, mortared, bombed, and snipered at while away from family and friends.
5. That bomb have a chemical agent, spend hours in a chem suit, (worse than winter coveralls in the summer)

That's just a few, I have some good stories somewhere. I get a chance I'll scan them and post them. The best one I've read so far is about a Airman in Greenland.

Bush hasn't been dropping our benifiets. I've seen better medical equipment in our on base clinic than I have downtown at the Regional Hospital. They just built brand new houses on our base, and more are planed to built and finished by 06.

Roddimus Prime July-23rd-2004 12:34 AM

Kcidmil, you don't understand what I'm trying to tell you. Bush signed a bill into law that cuts your VETERAN BENEFITS. Once you are out of the armed forces you are considered a veteran. You will receive a monthly check after a certain age or time period (not certain when). The money you WOULD'VE gotten has been cut. I'm not making this up. You need to check the fact sheet in post 1.

secondly (and hopefully lastly), My friend chose to work in the public sector so he could make a lot of money. That's what he did. You chose to work for the millitary. You chose a service oriented field and you are being compensated accordingly. While I appreciate your service to this country you can't blame anyone else for your financial situation but yourself.

you should seriously consider voting Kerry/Edwards. but first you should seriously consider reading the facts about both candidates.

blue_axela July-23rd-2004 12:40 AM

i dont usually jump into political areas, not my strong point and there is almost no convincing the other side of anything. but since other military members have voiced their opinions i feel obligated to say that i didnt join the military(USAF) for the money or benifits. Sure they are great to have and the educational opportunities are excellent (free tuition at almost every college and the GI Bill for $36,000 worth of school). i joined so that i might have a chance to go and kick the crap out of the people that attacked our country. while it may not be direct i am supporting the troops and pilots that are.

and i personally dont care who wins the election. i havent been able to hear enough news about either candidate other than from non-news sources. but you wont find me complaining about the results of the election

kcidmil July-23rd-2004 07:17 AM

"President George W. Bush signs H. R. 2297, the Veterans Benefits Act of 2003, in the Oval Office Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2003. The act expands the benefits program for veterans and their surviving spouses."

Only thing I found on the White House website regarding veteran benifets. If you can find info on that recent bill you're talking about, I'd love to see it, and so would the civilians at my shop.

And the VA (office of Veteran Affairs) has already begun using the new funding for new programs. And if he still is out there trying to reduce it. It's not effecting any retirement pay that I'll get.

And the pay issue used to be worse. Alot worse. Lower ranking members would have to use food stamps and WIC if they only had 1 child. And that was within the first 3 enlisted ranks. Before the pay increases these last 3 years. The military hasn't seen a pay increase with the time in over a decade. Not even a increase in Cola (cost of living allowance) with the inflation.

I for one joined to retire. And I'm happy for your buddy. I tell you what, if I could drop my free medical and other small perks for $66,000 more a year, I would.

And it's not just my career field with this problem. It's the same way across the military. Civilian versions of our jobs get paid alot more than we do. I know trying to match that pay would sky rocket our taxes.

kcidmil July-23rd-2004 07:38 AM

here's the link in case u think I was making up that beginning part.

Roddimus Prime July-23rd-2004 08:35 AM

Yeah, is going to make sure to highlight the small print and the negative side of Bush's agenda. :rolleyes:

I can't continue to argue with someone who has no idea what they're talking about. It's like that kid who "injected" nitrous into his gas tank. He knew better also.

kcidmil July-23rd-2004 06:57 PM

Well I actualy found some proof for my side of the arguement. I really liked to see the info on this bill you're talking about. The civilians at work have heard rumors of it, just RUMORS. But nothing official has come down. And they get a newsletter that covers everything recent of veteran benefits.

And you ought to watch when you say that someone doesn't know what they are talking about. For someone in the civilian world, you sure do seem to "know" alot of what's going on this side of the fence. But of course, that's easy to do, and easy to be fooled. They gov. shows what it wants people to see.

And I know that would do their "best" to show small print, and his agenda. But I didn't use the site to show Bush's good side. I used it because it had a fact.

If Bush tried pushing a bill through that reduced veteran benifets. And with the way the military is now. Well, a co-worker put it best. POLITICAL SUICIDE!!! But of course, I wouldn't put it past anyone to do something stupid.

Come up with site showing the details of the bill, and I'll admit fault. But right now your claiming with no proof.

Oh, and for my last question for you to answer. Just because I decided to do something for my country, and for myself. To go out and get shot, bombed, and gased at. Putting aside my family so I can go fight to keep yours safe. That I get paid dirt cheap, for doing the same kind of work your friend does when I'm not getting shot, bombed, or gased at?

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