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BigCT December-14th-2005 08:37 PM

Bowflex!!! Big Savings!!!

Just figured I would share this for any who may be interested.

Promocode: FREESHIP14

This is a Promo site for Friends and Family of Bowflex/Nautilus Employee's.

Since I'm an Employee, and we're all friends. We are friends Right?? I'm sharing this with y'all.

This gives you 20% off the price and free shipping. That means you could get a top of the line Bowflex Ultimate 2 for 658.80 less than most people.

Enjoy and Merry Christmas

Phantom Cruiser December-14th-2005 10:09 PM

Someone's got to have a New Year's Resolution to work out...unfortunately that person is not me :(

scotty878 December-14th-2005 10:27 PM

Originally Posted by Phantom Cruiser
Someone's got to have a New Year's Resolution to work out...unfortunately that person is not me :(

LOL....Those things are so expensive! Too bad, if they weren't maybe I'd get one and work out!

BigCT December-14th-2005 10:30 PM

How bad is this... I started with the Nautilus about 3yrs ago. At the same time I got married to beautiful Chef. The Combo of Driving a desk and eating really good food. caused me to gain about 40 lbs in my first year!!! and I've have still not it.

My new Years resolution is too loose 50 lbs in 6mo. I could loose it faster, but hey I'm a realist, I'm not going to starve myself.

All you need is motivation.

Rio Grande December-20th-2005 10:11 AM

BlowFlex is more like it. My brother bought one and it stated that with every band/bow, whatever, it would be equivelant to 205 lbs or something in that range. Well I only weigh 140 and there is no way in he!! that I can bench that. Well with every thing on I could sit there and bench it all day. Just another weight lifting machine to make money.

BigCT December-20th-2005 03:25 PM

Originally Posted by Rio Grande
Well I only weigh 140 and there is no way in he!! that I can bench that. Well with every thing on I could sit there and bench it all day. Just another weight lifting machine to make money.

Wow, either his machine is messed up or you're really strong. I'll give you that the resistance is a little less than free weights but not by much. I personally have 210 lbs on my machine and I do sets at about 150-160. When I use the Gym at work, I usually do sets at 135-145 (45 pound bar, 1-45 and 1-5 pound plate on each side).

Resistance is resistance. You can go bench press buckets of rocks, bags of flour, free weights, rubber bands, or anything else. as long as you push yourself to failure it doesn't matter. I Like my Bowflex because I can get a full body workout and it only takes up 4x2 feet in the corner. We make full "plate weight" gym machines, but they are huge, take up a whole room and only give half the exercises i get on my Bowflex, and i have a realy basic model.

Yes we make the machine to make money, We've sold 1.5 million of them over the last 9 years. If it didn't work, would we still be selling them like hot cakes at $1000-$2500 a piece? This is not some cheap POS. Even our basic Xtreme model weighs in at over 200 lbs. Unless you set it on fire it should last you forever.

Anyway I'll step off the soapbox now.

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