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onehawaiian August-17th-2003 04:50 PM

Beauty is skin deep...
i like personality. i want to date one of these girls.
both won pageants at one time or another. when i met them they were both sweeties, and one still is. that's the one i wanna date. can anyone guess which one?
who knows, maybe this is the one and not some lying psycho whore bitch like the one who hosed me right b4 christmas. :mad:
potential sweetie #1
potential sweetie #2
i'm not asking u to help me choose, cause i know who i want, but i want to see if u can guess which one still has the nice personality...

onehawaiian August-17th-2003 04:58 PM

btw, this is the girl that broke my heart.
we're not friends (her choice) and her pic was on the net anywayz (she was in the local paper) so i don't give a crap if u guys see it. she's the one in the blue. i really thought she was the one... :(

ah, but life goes one...

TheGreat1x2002 August-17th-2003 05:04 PM

hmm...i would say its number 2. man shes hot. number 1 got soemthing goin too. just go for both buddy. lol:D

MisterT August-17th-2003 05:22 PM

I say #2. I looks more like a picture than a "glamour shot." Either one, they are both attractive, but a girl has to have the whole package not just looks like you say. Amen to that brother!


onehawaiian August-17th-2003 05:42 PM

still hurts... :(

but u guys are good! both girls are actually very nice, but lately one of them (first one) seems to be more intrested in her career than her friends...

MisterT August-17th-2003 08:06 PM

Originally posted by onehawaiian

still hurts... :(

but u guys are good! both girls are actually very nice, but lately one of them (first one) seems to be more intrested in her career than her friends...

is this the same girl (2nd picture) as in this picture (one in blue)? Why didn't she want you two to be friends at least?? That reminds me of a girl I met at work. When she left from working there, I wanted to date her so bad. She moved to a neighboring state and was supposed to stay in touch (even though just as friends). For some reason, I knew that was it. I tried contacting her 3 times and no response, so I gave up. Oh well, sucks though doesn't it?! She had every thing too! Great career, nice body, beautiful smile, fun to hang out with, funny as hell, with only one turn off which was her college team USC Gamecocks, a huge rivalry to Clemson Tigers. But I would look beyond that. That was one game once a year! :p It was fun going out as friends with her. I would get stares from guys thinking damn that dude is lucky, even though we were just friends:rolleyes: She was fun to hang with though. Too bad she never wanted to stay in touch. :( It's been about a year since I last spoke with her.


onehawaiian August-17th-2003 08:52 PM

Originally posted by MisterT
is this the same girl (2nd picture) as in this picture (one in blue)? Why didn't she want you two to be friends at least??

no, two different girls. the one who hosed me has mental issues i think. 2 days b4 christmas i had to clear the air, so i called her and blah blah blah (but i was pretty calm thru the whole thing, she was going nuts) then at the end i asked her "so, are we still friends?"
and she goes "well, i see respect being a big part of friendship, and i don't respect u right now."
so i'm like, "sooo, that's a no...?"
her: "yeah, we're not friends."
it's not so much what she did as much as i let my guard down and lost a few nice girls along the way.
whatever tho...what goes around comes around. :squint:

5SpeedP5 August-17th-2003 11:25 PM

i know how it goes, i had a girl crush my heart at the end of march, and go for my , then best friends. now we're no longer friends, ive dated two girls and got played by each (but played with them a fair share :D ). and have met my fair share of new girls... but now im in a slum, and kinda lonely... but life will move on. still got my two girls taht are good to me (my cars), so im treating them nicely these days.

But back on topic, id say go with number 2, she looks more genuine you could say.... in the picture she just looks happy to be there, and such. the other girl may look damn fine, but she looks like she has an attitude..... just my opinion.

good luck my friend on whatever life throws at you though, and hope this journey shall end up

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