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5SpeedP5 May-2nd-2002 05:47 PM

Bad Week? Lets Rant!
Well shit, this week has sucked..... dunno about everyone else, but for me this has to have been one of my worst weeks this year so far.

so what all happened:

-to start out the week, my friend holli decided to start being a manipulative bitch, she got pissed at me for calling her cell phone about 10 time friday, as she had blew me off 3 time that week, so i decided to hound her for an hour or so.... then a friend of mine continues stupidly.... so sunday when i talk to her she was very pissed and such, i explained, and appologized numorous times, and she say its cool and its all good, no more being mad at me. But then comes monday, she gets a new boyfriend, and decideds to be all "i need attention bitch" and decideds she is going to be mad at me again and make an ass out of me infront of 10 people, along side this begin to diss and talk behind my back. then i confront her later, she says, oh im not mad at you. like i said, manipulative bitch, she has fucking done this all week now, along with that she gets goes and bitches me out about nothing numorous times just to get attention id say. and today, i had a bad back ache (told no one though) from working on my friends car all night, and she comes up and gives me a nice slug in the back as i was walking into class (and was actually about to ask this girl i like out on a date), so i turn around and give her the nice " what the fuck was that for" her reaction was: "no reason", so of course i yell at her back and tell her to never do that ever fuckin again....

-secondly, my ex-girlfriend, corrin, which i had decided to quit talking to for about 2 months, which came back and appologized for numorus things such as breaking up with me FUCKING ONLINE! and dissing me and numorous other things. that was last week, this week she starts being a bitch again, talking behind my back, fueling hollis fire with crap, and making up bull shit about my friends ,and me, such as saying that i had told my best friends she had stretch marks on her ass(hmm never even saw her ass, prude bitch, aggg), and that i was on tv calling her a bitch (hmm i havent been on tv for a good 3 years)...... etc etc

-School, well school blows, i had to take 2 big ass graduation demonstrations on writing tuesday, and thursday. Also my grades suck ass, and i have 3 projects due tomarrow (got 2 done, but still) and lots of big tests coming up... that and i have to face those two bitches daily.... even though they were my friends, well i figure thats gone..... eh oh well

-parents are being stupid, took my car away, so im stuck car pooling to work and school, also i was almost kicked out because of my moms major pms.... lol not doing my fucking laundry (how stupid)

-and lastly, my 2 of my brand new computers have died today



lovely how my life can suck sometimes

Ambient May-2nd-2002 06:02 PM

Damn, High School is a bitch isn't it.

Sir Nuke May-2nd-2002 06:08 PM

well this week may have been a bad one for you....but I PROMISE you ..... highschool, days living at home, relitively no REAL responsibility.... they ARE truely the best years of your life..... charish them.

once you graduate...most all your friends and you will go your seperate MAY, if you are lucky, keep in contact with 2, 3 of your old friends tops for a few years.... then even maybe you will move away...or go away to school. Its how the world works.....then ten years later you will have a highschool reunion..... do NOT miss it. they are a blast. if for no other reason...just to see how people have changed with time.

Good Luck 5 Speed......... but are NOW living the best years of your life.


5SpeedP5 May-2nd-2002 06:18 PM

thanks sir nuke...... you always help

Maxx Mazda May-2nd-2002 09:57 PM

Man, you know what I'm going to say... But I'll say it anyway: "That's a HUGE bitch!"

LOL! Just thought I'd lighten the mood a little... Seriously though, you and I talk about this on a daily basis. I know where you're coming from!

5SpeedP5 May-2nd-2002 10:01 PM

yep dude!, she really is a bitch, hell i quit talkin to her, and she fuckin comes back and just fucks my life up! what a bitch....arg

lol fun fun

sandman May-3rd-2002 12:40 PM

Hey! At least you didn't get hit in the face by a cigarette while you were driving!!! Check out my rant...

Maxx Mazda May-3rd-2002 04:30 PM


Ouch man! I read that post, and if that happened to me, I'd hunt the bastard down, grab my cig lighter, and jam it into his seat for the damage that his cherry caused to mine...

I'm the perfect guy to have around the day after something like this happens! Arrgh! :mad:

5SpeedP5 May-3rd-2002 04:42 PM

ouch dude, that sucks ass.... i hate it when people just chuck 'em smoking is so stupid (no offense to anyone)....i used to smoke and that had to of been the stupidest thing i ever did, thankfully i quit easily, now i just look and think how nasty it is

Maxx Mazda May-3rd-2002 06:09 PM

I've tried smoking. I never picked it up, but man, today I decided to have a puff of my buddy's, and shit all! I remember why I never started that shit!

Net Seven May-3rd-2002 06:53 PM

I was told by my teachers that your life really starts after you finish school. She also said the losers think the best years of their life is in high school because after they finish high school they have little or no eductaion like college and have no real jobs, so thats why they say the best years of their life was in high school. I'd say I would have to agree with her on that. If you really do finish all this schooling, and college crap, and get a real job your life would be so good, a 10000x better than high school years. With a real job you can go do a lot more stuff, and buy much better things.

Sir Nuke May-3rd-2002 07:44 PM

Originally posted by Net Seven
I was told by my teachers that your life really starts after you finish school. She also said the losers think the best years of their life is in high school because after they finish high school they have little or no eductaion like college and have no real jobs, so thats why they say the best years of their life was in high school. I'd say I would have to agree with her on that. If you really do finish all this schooling, and college crap, and get a real job your life would be so good, a 10000x better than high school years. With a real job you can go do a lot more stuff, and buy much better things. are saying I am a loser? I think NOT, and that teacher you had evidently had her head up her ass, or was the ugly kid in school and never had ANY friends or fun at all while she was in school, if that were the case...I could see why she would have that opinion, HOWEVER....I did do college...I have a GREAT job....THAT is NOT why high school years are the best of your life.....they ARE because you have little or no REAL responsibility....if you have a car...that is get to go to some studying...and then PLAY PLAY PLAY....and SOME even work in between there from time to time....THAT is why they are some of the best years of your life....the PLAY TIME to WORK time ration is pretty high.....after you get out of highschool....that ration radically drops...well maybe not in college depending on your study habits....but once you are in the real takes quite a while till you regain that play to work ration that is anywhere near what it was in highschool or fact...unless you are some lucky kid who just walks into a job GIVEN to them by their parents who own a business, or win the will undoubtly work your ass off to get the things in this life that will bring a smile to your face....yes you will charish them for they will mean something to you for the work you put out to obtain do the things you have now. BUT, once you are in that real world and its all up to will work more than you will play....just so that you CAN play from time to time.

AND, I didn't say you will NEVER have good times afterwards.....far from it...and if you do study hard....get an education....get a decent job....your fun times can be very rewarding....I have the hell do you think I could afford to go out and buy TWO P-5s at the same time....just for shits and for a family car...and one for me to PLAY with.

however....the time in your life where you are somewhat an adult....get to run and play like an adult...yet have none of the real responsibilities ARE some precious times in deed, your highschool/college days!

Maxx Mazda May-3rd-2002 10:41 PM

Now now children... I have to agree with Sir Nuke on that one though I'm afraid. Well said man. :cool:

Net Seven May-3rd-2002 11:22 PM

Did you buy your two proteges for cash or did you get a loan? I can go buy 5 cars with a loan if I want, but it doesnt mean I have a high paying job.

Net Seven May-3rd-2002 11:28 PM

About that high school being best time of your life...your probably right about that. I do have great times in high school, have a lot of friends, drive to school, get girls, ect.... But that may not be true for all, and some may even have a great time in high school, but have even a better time after college. Everyone lives different lives. I was just telling you what my math teacher told me, and she has a new truck, boats, and a big house so thats why she is probably saying that. She also doesnt look like she would have been ugly back in her days, maybe even hot, who knows?

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