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Team Fuzion February-17th-2004 11:37 PM

Yes they did it again!
Well Boston fan we done it again hahaha. lets go Yankees!! Before anyone say anything negative about its not fair, If Boston or any other team went & spend money to have a good team no one would cry about it, but b/c its a NY team people hate!!! Look at the NBA the lakers did the same but I don't see anyone complaining about that now.

26 WORLD CHAMP BANNERS in 100 yrs :)

ProtegeMaster February-20th-2004 06:02 PM

That's A Load Of Crap

If Boston or any other team went & spend money to have a good team no one would cry about it
That's a load of utter crap and you should know it. If ANY team consistently outspent every other and thereby bought championships every year, ANY team would be ridiculed. Rightly so. New York has nothing to do with it, except in your paranoid analysis. New York is an awesome city and anyone who's been there, and is honest, would have to admit that.

My team, on the other hand, presents real excitement because we consistently post 100+ game winning seasons despite among the lowest payrolls in the entire sport. In fact, our system and team fuels everyone else's championships, as it's our players who ship out for the big bucks with other teams and contribute their great talents that we developed in the first place.

It's boring when a team outspends its closest competitor by 45 MILLION DOLLARS and then miraculously wins championships, I don't care what city it's from. And it's even worse when they DON'T win championships after spending that much astronomical cash-- It would be a major bummer to get bounced out of the playoffs after spending that much money-- I feel for you. Hell, my team losing in the playoffs is easy by comparison!

So, which presents a more noble and cool image of sport:

A team that spends $164 million and wins divisions, or a team that spends $49 million and wins divisions?

Despite choking consistently in playoff games, here's a team that's interesting and beats the odds every time:

And by the way, I think it's cool that a team on the bottom end of league payroll still won the World Series last year. THAT'S the mark of great management and spirit; that which overcomes real disadvantage to attain greatness. I find that exciting and courageous.

turbonium959 February-22nd-2004 08:54 PM

With out a salary cap, anything is possible, and with tons of money that Steinbrenner has ANYTHING is definately possible. But, you have sh*t for a pitching rotation, and it will definatelly show that having big bats is not a big deal.

Roach220 February-23rd-2004 12:58 AM

Re: Yes they did it again!

Originally posted by Team Fuzion
Well Boston fan we done it again hahaha. lets go Yankees!! Before anyone say anything negative about its not fair, If Boston or any other team went & spend money to have a good team no one would cry about it, but b/c its a NY team people hate!!! Look at the NBA the lakers did the same but I don't see anyone complaining about that now.

26 WORLD CHAMP BANNERS in 100 yrs :)

I agree and disagree to a point while it does seem easy to matain a world champ team buy paying hugh f**king amounts.and I do think thats a little unfair. It is really odd that the two teams to pay the most for players is one the Yanks who are a top noch champ team and the other is my team who fued with yanks has go on for so long....and yes sports fans I'm talking about the top noch but just cant seem to make it Red Sox. and I think it is, was, and will be for a long time just that part for the fued. I mean boston was after him and NY stole him away but boston has done that before to the Yanks so it will just keep on like always.

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