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Net Seven January-10th-2002 07:39 PM

Bad people at my school
Im so pissed of:mad:
I had all of my money stolen at school today. That was $50 I was going to use to buy tabs with. During PE I change and put all my clothes into the locker with out locking it like I usually do. This time I change and then go to fuel up my car, I get out my wallet. NO MONEY... I had 2 20's and a ten in there. The faggots took all my money. I bet it was some faggot stoners at my school. Now I'm going to have to drive around with exprired tabs, because I have no money:crying:

mnkyboy January-10th-2002 07:55 PM

settle down man, its only 50 bucks, lock it up next time :squint:

jking January-10th-2002 08:08 PM

Edit your thread topic to git rid of that word. It may offend some people.

islandpro January-10th-2002 08:37 PM

Keep in mind that to Net this maybe a lot of money right now. Sucks to hear about it. And it sucks that you cant trust people anymore. Hey net are your tabs past due? cuz its only like 36 dollars up here to get them. Is there no one that you know that can help you out until you can get the money? :dunno:

Net Seven January-10th-2002 10:55 PM

Dude, I had to save that money. I wish it was just $50 to me. My tabs expired in december, and the lady said they will cost me $54. You know how poor I am?? Im driving on a '88 mazda 323 with 200k miles, and expired tabs. No insurance. I wish I could just say oh well there goes $50, hope he spends it well.

I edited the topic to something more better.

Net Seven January-10th-2002 11:52 PM

Sorry I cant edit it or I cant find how to. Can one of the mods edit it because I have same forum and I know they can edit topic names.

mnkyboy January-11th-2002 07:19 AM

Originally posted by Net Seven
Dude, I had to save that money. I wish it was just $50 to me. My tabs expired in december, and the lady said they will cost me $54. You know how poor I am?? Im driving on a '88 mazda 323 with 200k miles, and expired tabs. No insurance. I wish I could just say oh well there goes $50, hope he spends it well.

I edited the topic to something more better.

sorry dude, i dont know what i was thinking. 50 bucks was alot to me in high school also. Do you have any idea who might have done it? The best thing that may come out of this is that person getting caught. If you have any suspicions, tell the authority. Yep, in this day and age, you cant trust anyone. Gro Harlem mentioned insurance, are tabs insurance up north? Ive never heard of that done here... :confused:

cfbjr January-11th-2002 02:17 PM

You think $50 is a lot, wait till you get in an accident with no insurance!

mp4life January-11th-2002 02:54 PM

We have the same problem at our school, shit gets stolen all the time. Some kids got a master key to the lockers and stole all my CD's last year :mad: that was 200 dollars worth of CD's, i was pissed. They didnt catch the kids until just now, and they arent even turning them in to the cops! I feel for ya man.

jking January-11th-2002 03:32 PM

Ok now its edited

Bruce95fmla January-11th-2002 11:10 PM

Hard lessons learnt the first time
Sorry to say it but ,, you should have locked that locker bro , cause an open locker is a public locker , not a private bro ,.. when I was in high school we never left our lockers open with our clothes in them or we would be going home in gym clothes ,, next time lock that dogz cause they could have taken your clothes and really screwed you , or worse your car

protetype January-12th-2002 05:13 AM

Re: Hard lessons learnt the first time

Originally posted by Bruce95fmla
Sorry to say it but ,, you should have locked that locker bro , cause an open locker is a public locker , not a private bro ,.. when I was in high school we never left our lockers open with our clothes in them or we would be going home in gym clothes ,, next time lock that dogz cause they could have taken your clothes and really screwed you , or worse your car

i've got to agree with Bruce 100%. not to say anything bad about myself, but we used to do that shit when I was in high school (freshman year) when the people didn't lock their lockers. i've changed now and for the better. 6 years ago i did that crap... but from what i did i learned to lock my shit with even my own lock, not one of those school assigned bs pieces. it sucks it happened to you, but lock your stuff bro. no worry about it if you bring your own lock(which generally, the teachers dont check on) and keep your 'personal' belongings... personal. not public. bring a lock, be safe, and keep your money, your ride, and as bruce put it, even your clothes, yours. don't let somebody have the opportunity of jacking you. you can't trust anybody these days, except us protege owners! ;D

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