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eeterp April-17th-2002 07:24 PM

Anyone have a fish tank?
I'm currently running a 10gallon but, will be upgrading to a 29 gallon community tank this summer. I'm not ready for the cost of a salt tank yet and cannot get a larger tank because I will need to move it (hopefully VERY rarely). I'm interested to read about your setup.

Greddy917 April-17th-2002 08:32 PM

My Red Devil
I have a 10gal tank too...I used to have alot of fish in it...but one fish turned psyco and killed all the he is a loner...its funny, he will follow you around the room when you walk in...and if you put your face to the glass he will charge at you...ferocious little bastard.

onehawaiian April-18th-2002 02:01 AM

what kinda fish do you guys have? i used to have this goregeous 12in. arowana, but that jumped out and died. so we replaced it with this totally mental oscar with some major 'tude. i like him. :D he's in a 30 gal tank right now, and he cleared out this 5in circle in the rocks just so he could look at himself. :laugh:

all he get's is a light and the normal stuff (filter,pump etc.) he f#cked up the plants, moves the little rocks around, re-arranges the bigger rock, constantly bothers/irritates (nudges) the algae eaters...damn i love this fish! :D i was thinking of giving him fighting fish as feeders... :p

we're gonna move him soon tho. i got a 55gal tank in my room. :)

sandman April-18th-2002 11:32 AM

I've had an 18 gallon for years with a variety of freshwater fish over that time.

Currently i have a bunch of khuli loaches, tons of guppies, and a male betta. Always got my eyes out for some clown loaches but they are pretty hard to come by. Think I'm gonna get some angels to keep my guppy population under control. (Ever seen 2 angelfish fighting over a baby guppy? It's a sight to behold!)

Running an airstone and a heater and that's it. Tried out a few different filteration methods, but for the last 5 years or so I've been running completly filterless. The water is just as clear as if you run a filter and the PH never budges from it's normal amount. The fish love it and I'm loving not having the hassles of cleaning out a filter all the time.

I think that I've been running a tank for so long that it's established itself and has it's own natural filteration going on.

Whenever I change the water (1/4 tank every couple months) I'll suction the gravel a bit to pull any food that my khulis and other fish missed, but that's about it.

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