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5SpeedP5 December-16th-2002 03:39 PM

Am I insane you ask?
Well the doctors agree... im not....

ACK... so i get out of school today, and my dad is there to pick me up (didnt feel like driving this morning).... and he locks the doors and says we are taking you to the hospital for a pshyciatric evaluation... WHAT THE FUCK? my mom claimed i tried to commit suicide last night..... uhh riiiggghht, alcohol poisoning in her words

so now my parents have officially gone fucked up, i have a beer before i got to bed, and i did last night.... my dad knows i drink, i guess my mom didnt..... yay

yet another reason why i need to move out soon!

LOS-323 December-16th-2002 04:10 PM

If one beer is suicidal, then I guess I try to kill myself pretty much every weekend.

I never actually manage to kill myself... so I guess I´ll just have to keep on trying. :D :D :D

titocruzsd December-16th-2002 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Protegé Menacé what happened? did the doctor laugh at your parents and tell them 1 beer isnt going to kill you? :D
the doctor probably laughed all the way to the bank since he got paid for nothing. :D

5SpeedP5 December-16th-2002 04:14 PM

the doctors looked at me strange, but really they were just asking all these gay fuck questions like do you drink to get drunk or pass out.... have you ever been suicidal before?.... and the classic what do these ink blots look like.... they whipped those out and i gave the doctor the finger... agh i was pretty pissed

yea now i have shit to hold to my parents tho.... they get pissed at me i just through it back at them

itzkcatz December-16th-2002 04:56 PM

Thats strange .. So how did they think u were trying to kill urself by drink a beer ? . That doctor still made his money . Jon

JAC December-16th-2002 05:10 PM

If beer kills, then either I'm dead and I don't know yet or I'm Duncan Mccloud.

THEGOLDPRO December-16th-2002 06:18 PM

when he showed you the ink blots you shoulda been like that one look like a tasty beer, ok how bout this one? ummmmm this one looks like a nice sexy bottle of vodka. lol so you look like a drunk.

midnightblue97 December-16th-2002 06:31 PM

If having one beer is attempted suicide then I've tried to kill myself more times than its physically possible to count.

VagaBond-X December-16th-2002 06:34 PM

hmmm I geuss I'm dead :(

well at least the squirrel is running things for me

hehehehehehe :D

now I'm going to kill my self some more

hehehehehehe :D

UCSBgeek December-16th-2002 06:38 PM

It's not the doctor's fault though.

In most cases, he would have every right to believe your mom and not you, if you know what I mean. Not that that's the right thing of course.


brogeflog December-16th-2002 07:20 PM

I tried to do myself in at a Christmas party with some red wine. I should have stuck with the beer. I created a few ink blots in the bowl the next morning.

Maxx Mazda December-17th-2002 09:52 AM

Andrew man! That's gay as hell! I can't say I've been in the same situation, but you and I are quite similar, and I know what you're going through. Stupid parents... :mad:

5SpeedP5 December-17th-2002 10:05 PM

yeah but itll all be better when my dad gets his riviera.... im fucking gonna burn the tires to hell on that thing! :D :D :D 350hp/ mmmmmmmmm

but really, my parents can go fuck them selves, lol my mom tried to take my cars away today, ummm thats gonna happen....NOT, considering how much i worked my ass off to get them, she has no ownership or anything to do with them

but oh well, steph is around, and she is one person that keeps me grounded and keeps the silly :D on my face

nick, drop me a line... havent talked for a while! you should get AIM dude, comeon.... you're the only person i even use icq for, then you could join islandpro (bryan) and i in our drunken arguements! common now!

redrims December-17th-2002 10:18 PM

I kinda know what your going through also. My parents thought I tried to kill myself one time. I had recked my car pretty bad b/c I was f*cking around in the snow. They figured b/c I had just broken up with this girl, that I was depressed and wanted to end my life. I was SOOOOO pissed at them:mad:. They were so sure that they were right, "uurrrgh". I didn't talk to my father for weeks. And my mother only got short answers from me. It was a shock to me that they would think I would do that, but I got over it and I think they did too.

I'm glad they didn't try to take me to therapy though. That sucks.

5SpeedP5 December-17th-2002 11:46 PM

yea.... only therapy i like is, more drinking beer! or cranking my stereo and driving

otherwise.. FUCK THAT SHIT lol

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