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hihoslva September-20th-2002 05:46 PM

9 days to the wedding, and I had to have a tooth yanked
Just bitching by typing, cuz I can't fucking talk - don't read if you don't care.

9 days till I get married, and my worst frigging nightmare. I've had this "bad" tooth for about a year now. Being the ultimate pussy when it comes to doctors and especially dentists, I let it go.

About three months ago, I was saying to myself "maybe I oughtta get that tooth fixed up - with my luck the frigging thing will abscess on or near my wedding/honeymoon".

Well, call me Nostra-fucking-Damus, cuz this morning the goddamn tooth cracked in half, and one side was all loose and shit while the other was still solid. Incredibly, it didn't hurt at all - just annoying when the tooth would shift. So I go the the dentist, shoot right off to the the oral surgeon, and here I sit with a wad of gauze the size of a frigging golfball stuck in the hole where my tooth used to be. Fucking thing won't stop bleeding - it's 6:30 PM, and all I've eaten today was a bagel at 5am, and fucking oatmeal at about 3pm. Only good thing is it's a back tooth - a molar - so at least I won't look like a goddamn halloween pumpkin in my wedding pix.

And I'm supposed to be going to my bachelor party TOMORROW NIGHT. How the fuck am I gonna have some cocktails when they're gonna give me a mouthful of blood?

Like I said, just bitching. Thanks for reading. Gotta go wipe the bloody saliva off my chin now. Fuck!


HS8 September-20th-2002 07:59 PM

Good to hear your getting married, the most special occasion, but kinda sucks that you have a tooth problem, Good luck on the wedding and on your tooth

protetype September-20th-2002 08:15 PM

i had the same thing happen to me a couple weeks ago. tooth in the back cracked in half.. they're puttin a cap on it. so even my mouth can be bling-bling'in with my gold tooth. :p good luck with the wedding! and congrats? ;)

Makaveli September-20th-2002 09:14 PM


protetype, we'll disown you if you get a gold tooth, especially if it's one of the front teeth hehehe

Hihosilva, don't worry about it, just keep on ordering Bloody Mary's and you won't notice the difference hehe.......

Seriously though, you tooth will be fine for sure for the wedding, but your bachelor thing tomorrow..... just have like 6-7 strong shots and you'll be good.....

hihoslva September-20th-2002 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Makaveli
just have like 6-7 strong shots and you'll be good.....
6 or 7 oughtta be just enough to thin my blood down to the point where this friggin hole NEVER stops bleeding.

Nothing a stripper loves more than a guy who's pouring blood out of his mouth......

Fucking thing just stopped bleeding about an hour ago - that's a solid 7 hours of nasty blood-loss, and big gooey clumps of congealed shit in my mouth.

Hope no one is eating while reading this....:puke:

Oh well - I'm sure the wedding will be just fine - and maybe I'll just get so drunk tomorrow that I don't care if I look like a vampire. Or maybe I'll just be sure to wear red.....

Thanks for the concern.


David September-21st-2002 12:00 AM

good luky on the wedding mine is on the 5th.

pr5owner September-21st-2002 12:18 AM

man everyone is getting married.... oh btw. if you can't chew your food.. snort it.. :):D

Pro_fan September-21st-2002 01:26 AM

Ouch dude....
Be sure to swish with lots of salt water!!
I had a wisdom tooth yanked a few years ago and it healed really fast b/c I was taking good care of it. You'll be fine in time for your wedding!

Congrats!!! :D

titocruzsd September-21st-2002 01:50 AM

Originally posted by Makaveli
protetype, we'll disown you if you get a gold tooth, especially if it's one of the front teeth hehehe
yeah if you do that, you might as well move down here to new'd fit right in! they take the whole *bling bling* thing to a whole new level out here! they even have low budget commercials advertising gold/silver/platinum teeth. "GET 2 OF YO TEETH BLING BLINGIN' FO ONLY $175" :rofl: :tooth:

damn silva, first your stripper ex-gf is after you, now you're walking around like you just stepped outta the ring with lennox lewis! good luck man. :D

hihoslva September-21st-2002 05:36 AM

Originally posted by titocruzsd
damn silva, first your stripper ex-gf is after you, now you're walking around like you just stepped outta the ring with lennox lewis! good luck man. :D
Haha! It seems all shit flows downhill as the wedding gets near.

But - neither one of these situations is all that bad. I mean, it could be worse, right? The ex-girlfreind thing was strange, but kinda flattering. And at least I got the tooth thing taken care of in plenty of time to heal before the wedding/honeymoon.

Coulda been MUCH worse - like having the tooth thing happen while ON my honeymoon, and have to have some random Mexican hombre yank it out. I shudder to think.....

Hehe - and since I told my buddies about the thing with my ex, they are swearing they're taking me to the club she "dances" at tonight for my bachelor party (tonight!). I'm convinced - my friends are a bunch of bastards.


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