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reythm September-11th-2002 03:13 AM

Light a candle and have a moment of silence.

I love America.

fourty03 September-11th-2002 05:09 AM

Tonight at work - were gonna shut down the whole operation twice for a couple of minutes for a moment of silence (I work at UPS)


Sir Nuke September-11th-2002 10:16 AM

As an ex-service brings to memory many things. For those of you that do not has been officially designated by congress as "Patriot's Day" A day dedicated to ALL Patriot's.....It makes me even prouder to be an American, if that is even possible.

Just a short time ago our entire nuclear facility stopped....and observed a moment of silence at 0746 was a conclusion to an entire morning where we gathered all our employees together to remember and to refelect.......

afterwards one of my friends here ask me to come to his desk, he wanted to show me something.......through email he had recieved a URL to a tribute to all those people that were so directly effected one year ago was so beautiful and touching....I nearly started to cry. I highly encourage ALL of you that read this post to take the time to view it....

the address is :

God Bless all our country, our families, friends.....our very existance.

JasonKilpa September-11th-2002 01:35 PM

Thanks for sharing the link. I coming from a military family and having great pride in this nation think that is a great tribute. Thanks again and God Bless America

hihoslva September-11th-2002 09:16 PM

I'm a native New Yorker. I don't live in Manhattan, but I work there frequently. Like many of the residents of the Metro area, I consider Manhattan to be "my city".

This has been the fastest year of my life, bar none. It feels like last month that all of this happened. I was fortunate not to be working in or near the Trade Center on the day of the attacks, but I very well could have been. However, I also consider myself fortunate to have had several opportunities to visit those wonderful buildings, even working in them on two occasions.

For those of you who have never had the chance to see them in person, I can tell you it is impossible to fathom the scope of what was destroyed. These structures were immense - among the world's largest. I had seen them literally hundreds of times, and from every possible angle. Yet whenever I was near them, I would take at least a few seconds out of my busy day to just stare up in awe. They were marvels of modern engineering.

I visited the "pile" several times after the disaster, the earliest being a mere two weeks after the buildings fell. Like many people, I felt a need to be there - to see it with my own eyes. Standing on Broadway, and staring down Liberty Street (this is about a block away from ground zero - to be forever called "ground hero" in my mind) those eyes filled with tears. The scene is etched in my memory: Dust and ash a foot thick. A pile of steel and concrete that was taller than probably any structure in the town where I live - literally 10 stories high. The putrid smell of a city in flames. The look in the eyes of ..... everyone. In the sporadic moments when I could look away, I made sure to shake the hands of police officers, EMTs, firefighters, national guardsmen - anyone who wanted to accept my gesture of appreciation. These people were doing their best to bring a sense of order to, and to help heal, "my city". I did what I could - I bought coffee and water for a group of workers once. All I could really do was say Thank You.

A year later, that 100 foot high pile is now an 80 foot deep hole - "the pile" has become "the pit". And it is the final burial place of thousands of Americans.

I - like most - am still angry. Every day I go to my city, I "see" what is missing. It's like looking in the mirror and seeing your two front teeth knocked out. These cowardly, jealous, ignorant terrorists have permanently changed the face of my city, my country, and my world. And yours, too.

I don't know what can be done. I suppose our military powers are doing their best, but it's a bit too little, too late. We are not knocked out, but the first blow did put us down.

If I had my way, I'd have those beautiful buildings re-built exactly the same as they were. Scratch that - I'd build THREE towers, twice as tall as the twins. Just to give a big fuck-you to those who hate. Maybe a big-ass building shaped like a hand giving the finger would get the point across.

The WTC site IS hallowed ground now - it is a sacred place. I know many of us on this board are not of the "Pearl Harbor" generation, but we now have our own event to ponder and share with our offspring for decades to come.

I pray that the land is treated properly, and that whatever is built on the site not only honors everyone who lost so much that day, but is grand enough to pronounce to the world that we will never be held prisoner by fear and terrorism. The land of the truly free, the home of the truly brave.

I don't talk about the attack much anymore - although I think about it every single day. I will move on, as will we all, but I will never forget - I couldn't if I tried. I still feel like crying some days. But New York has been so hurt by this event, that there comes a time when we are all "talked out" about it. I think the anniversary has given me the inspiration to talk and to type a little bit, and appreciate the ability to do so here - where I can feel as though my words will be accepted, even if they are not appreciated.

"All gave some, some gave all" - that's a common bumper sticker around here, and it speaks volumes. Pray for the families - we all lost something that day, but they lost so much more.

The work continues downtown - businesses are trying to attract customers, the city is still cleaning up, and the city planners are trying to decide what to build. Life is slowly moving on.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone around the country and around the world for your support of "my city". We're getting there - slowly, but surely.

And thanks to all who took the time to read this (and even those who did not), and for the opportunity to speak my mind a bit.

We shall overcome.


NegatiZE September-11th-2002 10:16 PM

Today was a sad day. It still doesn't feel like it's been a whole year to me. I remember being in my TV Productions class at school watching this all unfold before my own eyes a year ago. Today I drove around with my lights on and had a red, white, and blue ribbon on my antenna.

9/11/2001 - We will never forget. :(

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