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mazdagirl370 October-24th-2002 09:08 AM

your opinion on tint
Hey All,

I am new to the whole mod scene. I have a 2001 protege and haven't started to really modify it yet. I was thinking about doing a 20-30% dark tint or like a mirror tint of some sort but am not sure. I have a burgundy redish protege i think they call it maroon. I would appreciate any comments:)

funkdaddysmack October-24th-2002 11:41 AM

I like tint, but I'm too much of a pussy to put it on my own car. Well, I haven't decided yet. The problem is you're not supposed to have it all on the front windows at all, and I personally don't like how cars looks when the front windows aren't done... But then again I guess laws are different everywhere, so you may be ok. I like black tint more than that mirror stuff.

bman October-24th-2002 01:36 PM

save yourself!!!!
get black just like everyone else or iibbmm will get you!
j/k get what ever you like, doesnt matter it is your car. both would look nice, black is easier to see out of at night and harder to see in.
good luck

BL_Protege October-24th-2002 01:58 PM

i like 5% it's pretty sweet. my friend's ride was crazy, not sure the percent, but he's got tint all over including the windshield. haha.

o yea btw foxy, what percent is ur tint?

iibbmm October-24th-2002 04:50 PM

Originally posted by bman
save yourself!!!!
get black just like everyone else or iibbmm will get you!
j/k get what ever you like, doesnt matter it is your car. both would look nice, black is easier to see out of at night and harder to see in.
good luck

As long as her car doesnt look like a 16 year old ricers pep boy fest, like your car, she wont hear any shit from me.

neuromancer October-24th-2002 05:04 PM

Originally posted by bman
save yourself!!!!
get black just like everyone else or iibbmm will get you!
j/k get what ever you like, doesnt matter it is your car. both would look nice, black is easier to see out of at night and harder to see in.
good luck

Did they cut the tint AFTER it was installed on the windows? Or is it cut before being applied?

Well if you like it...but it would drive me to kick puppies if I had to drive your car with the 'wacky' tint that it has.


hihoslva October-25th-2002 07:01 AM

I have 20% Madico brand tint on all the windows of my P5, and love it. IMHO, 20% is the perfect shade; it's dark enough to make seeing in difficult, especially at night. But it's not so dark as to make it hard to see out at night.

5% is just plain dangerous - it is quite hard to see through it at night, and makes driving hazardous.

I HATE the look of dark tint in back/light tint up front - so I put the same shade on all windows. It is 100% ILLEGAL to put tint on the front windows here in NY, but whatever - it's an unenforced thing, and I have not been bothered about it yet (I've had it about 6 months).

Mirror tint can be cool - but it's too flashy for me. And if you install an illegal shade, it also "announces" that you have it. I debated about it, but I'm glad I went with just the dark, no mirror.


DJ_Bod October-25th-2002 11:20 AM

My first word of advice would e to check the laws in your state. And then make a decision bassed on that. I'm getting my car tinted tommorrow, but I have yet to decide on the tint %. I was thinking like 25, but it has a blu-ish look to it and, IMO, looks crappy. So I'll prolly settle for 35 all the way around. *Shrug* 18 is a little too dark for me (since it is illegal to have tints on the front windows). Just my 2 cents.


SEA_P5 October-25th-2002 12:14 PM

Do 35% all around. Most States have cops with tint sensors. 35% is usually a good average to go with...In the state of washington it is illegal to tint the front...I am also taking a look at tinting the top 1/5 of the windshield...this is where the sun seems to peek through...

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