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Eric F April-24th-2002 09:44 AM

Head unit mounting options?
Has anyone mounted their HU anywhere other than the factory location in the center dash? My HU was stolen a couple of months back, and I'd like to mount the new one somewhere it can be bolted down, more like an ISO mount than a standard DIN mount with the sleeve. The sleeve makes it to easy and quick to steal. I thought of mounting it lower, below the ash tray in the center console storage area. The problem is the steel dash supports are a bit to narrow to slide the HU in. I need about another .25 to .5" to fit the HU in that location. The metal seems very hard to bend or cut. Any ideas?

douggie April-24th-2002 11:04 AM

Sorry to hear that... I know it sucks (don't remind me)...

But I wouldn't do that if i were you. Let say you "welded" the HU on the car and one of those bastards wants to steal it. So they break your window, kill the alarm and try frantically to get the HU off. But of course, they find that it's impossible to do it and they're pissed off. Ok, so there's two things they can do:

1. Curse and leave
2. Before they leave, they curse AND vent their anger in your car .... and god knows what they'll do...

Actually Most likely, they'll try REALLY hard, try to rip out as many things in the way, hoping to get the HU free... so the harder they try, the more damage they will do in your car. Not to mention that they might damage the HU while trying, so you'll be left with a dead HU.

Ok, so at the very least, you've gotten a broken window, an alarm that needs repair. Don't want to push them into option (2) and pay extra for damaged dash parts.

Sad to say, the only way to prevent this is to put back the factory HU... no one is gonna want to steal that.

Eric F April-24th-2002 12:23 PM

The factory HU isn't an option. I'm spiteful, so I don't care what they do as long as they don't get anything. Besides, the longer they spend in the car trying to get the HU, the better my chances of catching them and causing them great bodily harm.

Dave Cameron April-24th-2002 12:28 PM

I would more of less agree on this-
I have been ripped off serveral times, and went through an escalating cycle of installs making it harder to rip off.
It all came to a head when someone decided they needed my Nakamichi headunit more than I did. The unit was bolted into the dash with two rebar struts. They did not get the headunit. They did however dystroy the dash entirely, and the headunit also. I was out over double the money, the dash cost more to fix than a new headunit!
Since I have focused more on alarm, parking in safe spots, using head units with either detachable face,security codes or access cards, and leave it at that.
I would almost rather let them have a easy pull out, save the dash, and let them run off with a unit they won't be able to used without a faceplate or access code.
Welding to a headunit is a very not good idea by the way, can overload the circuts on heat in a snap, and will totally void the warrenty of the radio, and possibly the car!

Eric F April-24th-2002 01:11 PM

Thanks for the opinions. My HU has a detachable face and programmable security code, and I have an alarm. I'm not worried about what damage thiefs might do, and I'm not interested in making it easier for them. I know better than to weld the chassis of any electronic item.
So back to mounting. Anyone have any ideas how to cut the metal dash supports, or has anyone got any ideas about alternate mounting?

YellowPR5 April-24th-2002 02:09 PM

Build a compartment like a gauge pod above the center part. Mount it in that and have it designed to have a cover close over it when it turns off. Not too many choices when you have to have the thing in arms reach in order to use it SAFELY.

If it came with a remote, mount it in the glove box. Hidden from view but somewhat usable with the remote. Best bet would be a CD changer with this idea.

If you wanted to go all out. Move all your current gauges to a center console like the Prowler or something, then mount the radio in the old gauge location with a cover for it.

I know these are weird ideas, but you are asking a little weird of a question.

Fianl option, get insurance on the radio, and let them pay for it when you get it stolen.

Dave Cameron April-24th-2002 03:08 PM

Eric- the bar is pretty tough, I have dallied a bit with it recently in my car, You could use a sabre saw, or a caribide on a dremel to reduce the profile. Another possibility would be the use the metal bar behind the standard installation location to your advantage, and either bolt the back strap to it or around it. The radio would be dystroyed before they could remove it from just the front without reaching the backstrap to remove....

douggie April-24th-2002 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Dave Cameron
I would more of less agree on this-
I have been ripped off serveral times, and went through an escalating cycle of installs making it harder to rip off.
It all came to a head when someone decided they needed my Nakamichi headunit more than I did. The unit was bolted into the dash with two rebar struts. They did not get the headunit. They did however dystroy the dash entirely, and the headunit also. I was out over double the money, the dash cost more to fix than a new headunit!
Since I have focused more on alarm, parking in safe spots, using head units with either detachable face,security codes or access cards, and leave it at that.
I would almost rather let them have a easy pull out, save the dash, and let them run off with a unit they won't be able to used without a faceplate or access code.
Welding to a headunit is a very not good idea by the way, can overload the circuts on heat in a snap, and will totally void the warrenty of the radio, and possibly the car!

I think you guys got me wrong, I was trying to exaggerate when i said "welded" (as if it's really really impossiible to remove with normal handtools) :D

Anyway, yes, replacing dash parts can cost twice as much as many expensive HUs out there.... just look at the plastic little MP3 pocket for example, it's like freakin $80 from the dealer! So just do the math.

Also if they couldn't take the HU but damaged it while trying, it still means that you gotta buy another HU, so no "savings" there.

Sorry to be a bit pessimistic, but think what's the chance of you actually catching them right on the spot? I mean those bastards are not smart, but they're not stupid too. And I wouldn't want to get myself in danger (risking my life) over a HU. Again, do the math. What if they get violent? is it worth it?

Anyway, back to the topic, using the rear support bracket (as Dave mentioned) is probably a good idea and that's what i actually thought about doing (before I did my "math"). The back strap should make it almost impossible to remove in the dark (that's when most of them strike). Also, loop some zip wire ties thru some ventilation holes on the HU and tie it to some secure place should give another level of obstruction.

And ever thought of about gluing thumbtacks all over the chasis of the HU? (porcupine idea) :D

Eric F April-24th-2002 09:34 PM

Dave, thanks for the input. I tried a cutting wheel with a Dremel tool with no luck. I didn't think about trying to grind it down enough to fit the HU in. I'll give that a shot.

Originally posted by Dave Cameron
Eric- the bar is pretty tough, I have dallied a bit with it recently in my car, You could use a sabre saw, or a caribide on a dremel to reduce the profile. Another possibility would be the use the metal bar behind the standard installation location to your advantage, and either bolt the back strap to it or around it. The radio would be dystroyed before they could remove it from just the front without reaching the backstrap to remove....

mazdaspeedwest April-24th-2002 11:32 PM

if you have the OEM HU, you can pull the face and make a dummy plate to fit over the new HU.

i love it, no fear, just cut and grind YEAH BABY!!!!

proman April-25th-2002 11:40 PM

I may be dumb but i rather those bastards not get away with anything and have them pissed off. Another way to look at is the harder it is for them to take the HU, it's less likely they will try to to steal your NEW HU again. I'm sure thieves don't like spening too much time on one thing because that just means more likely they will get caught. Just a different perspective. I like the thumb tack idea!! Very good way to piss off those f*ckers. :D
I never had anything stolen from my car (yet) but i just hate the people who don't repect other people's property.

mp4life April-26th-2002 06:32 PM

Originally posted by douggie
And ever thought of about gluing thumbtacks all over the chasis of the HU? (porcupine idea) :D
hhmm, never thought of thumbtacks. I was always more of a fishing hook type guy. Or razon blades, i considered that too. But then i decided the replacement HU i have now is such a pos, i wouldnt mind if it was stolen... as long as i didnt have to replace the damned window again, those inconsiderate amateurs.

And to those who havent experienced the pure joy of walking up to your car and seeing the beautiful pattern of shattered glass on your seat, unfortunately your time will come and until that day wall you can do is hope

Dave Cameron April-26th-2002 08:18 PM

In the military they taught a lot of interesting ways to damage a person. The best in this circumstance would be razorblades superglued to the chassis, the older and rustier the better. Another might be piano wire snares to catch fingers or hands reaching behind to get at wires.
BUT- in law school, they taught us about "man trapping". To intentionally make a trap to kill or mame is illegal, and even if the trap fails, the intent is still there.
So this is free legal advice, I would recommend now matter how tempting this might appear to you, do not set traps for people, even robbers.
There is a lot of case law about this, you might want to do a internet search on it. Even if the guy is robbing you, depending on state law where you are, you most likely would be arrested right along with the other guy, heck even arrested and the other guy gets away!!

Eric F May-1st-2002 01:30 PM

OK, I finally gave up on cutting the metal supports behind the center console, it was just taking way too long. Being an avid non smoker, I decided the ash tray and cigarette lighter were expendable. After some debating over whether to cut into the dash, I just did it. The metal supports are further apart up that high, so the deck fits there just fine. I still need to fab some mounting brackets, but I should have the install completed soon. It accomplishes all my original goals. I get to keep my custom 5 gauge panel installed in the original dual DIN location in the center console, the head unit will be bolted to the sturdy steel supports behind the center console, and I'll have a nice unique custom mounted deck that's still easy to access.

onehawaiian May-1st-2002 01:37 PM

hehe, i was gonna mount my eq in the same spot, but those damn metal brackets! and we're talking only like 1/4in??? i couldn't believe it. i decided not to cut and just make a custom console later on. :)

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