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Snacks McGee April-17th-2003 12:55 PM

Egg remover?
I just got my new yellow P5 two weeks ago and my car got egged yesterday afternoon. One thing is for sure... I am going to beat the lil kid's ass who did it. Anyways...I heard that egg can mess up your that true??? Anyone know a good way or is there a preferable way to get off dried egg off a car??? :mad:

eggynatey April-17th-2003 01:36 PM

Yes, egg will ruin your paint. Wash your car ASAP! :eek:

eggynatey April-17th-2003 01:37 PM

And don't be asking about how to "remove Egg". I ain't going anywhere! :D

Snacks McGee April-17th-2003 01:41 PM offense eggnatey...:p

TheMAN April-17th-2003 02:52 PM

if it's baked on, try a claybar

mito7878 April-17th-2003 08:31 PM

Or some Toast:D

Sorry couldnt help it.

if it's baked on, try a claybar

Snacks McGee April-17th-2003 09:43 PM

I finally got all the egg off. I just washed it off with soapy water. Luckily it didn't get on the paint and just got on the windshield. When I get a hold of those lil brats who egged my car...I'm totally going to eat them alive with scrambled eggs on the side. :mad:

BlackBeauty April-17th-2003 09:47 PM

if they have cars, just toss a couple pieces of bologna on the hood...that will take care of the problem

Snacks McGee April-17th-2003 10:27 PM

I can't believe that bologna is so bad for your ride. That's why I don't eat the stuff. Imagine what that does to your body. What was bizarre though, was that there was a wet paper towel stuck to my car before I realized that it got egged. It was like...they egged the wrong car or made a mistake and tried to wipe it off. And...ooooooohhhhh, what a mistake they have made! Once I get a hold of them.....:mach: or I'll just bend them over my lap and smack their asses....lil brats.

Hong Kong Fever April-18th-2003 01:54 AM

I feel your pain man, my yellow PR5 got silly stringed, they gummed up my rear window and keyholes plus shot silly string in my muffler...god was I pissed off for a while...took me a whole day to clean up the week, alarm was installed...damn those kids!!! THEY WILL BURN FOR THEIR ACTIONS!!:mad:

MP5s Make Ready April-18th-2003 10:02 AM

When I had my brand new truck I was driving down the road and someone who was in another car driving down the same road was throwing eggs out the driver window while they were driving and hit mine. I didn't realize it until the next morning when I saw the stuff on the passenger door. They put a scratch the size of an egg in the door. The scratch took the paint right off. I was so pissed off because my car was brand new.

I remembered hearing a thump when I was driving next to another truck that night that was driving even with me for a couple of seconds and realized it must have been them. If I had known what they were doing I would have ran into their car and beat the crap out of them.

No one cares about what you have, people are just jealous bastards that only care about themselves.

carguycw April-18th-2003 10:53 AM

Actually, one of my scariest driving stories of all time involves an egg. In 1999 when I still had a Miata, my wife and I were driving back from a late-night family get-together on a divided highway that runs through a semi-rural area. It was about 1:30 in the morning, there was no traffic, and we were cruising at 80+ mph with the top down and windows open. We were driving over a bridge when, out of nowhere, someone threw an egg at us. The scary thing was that the egg came at us sideways and hit the windshield pillar on the driver's side. If the punk who threw it had thrown the egg a half a second later, it probably would have missed the windshield and hit me in the side of the head, and I might not be around to write this message! :eek:

Anyways, the impact was such a suprise that I initially thought I had hit a bird. I stopped to inspect the car, quickly figured out that it was an egg, and was approached by another driver whose pickup had just been hit and who had stopped further up the road. We ran back to the bridge to look for the throwers, but they were gone, and we realized that we would never find them in the dark, brushy creek bed under the bridge. Damn punks. :rant:

Anyways, the egg left a little impact crater in the paint on the windshield pillar, and also splattered the hood and interior. I managed to get the egg off the interior with cold soapy water (do NOT use warm water!) but the egg on the hood was baked into the paint by the engine heat before I even got home. The guy at the bodyshop told me that egg will NEVER come off the paint if it's been heated because it chemically reacts with the paint itself. Unless your car has been waxed to the nth degree, you are SOL. :( I had to get the hood and windshield pillar repainted. :mad:


Snacks McGee April-18th-2003 05:02 PM

Living in Vegas...if egg got in my car in the would probably baked in like 5 seconds. Don't know how much it would affect yellow though, but I don't want to find out.;)

Homer2 April-18th-2003 07:43 PM

you would still notice the effects - and in pretty quick order sitting in Vegas sun for any time at all. The enzymes eat right into the clearcoat - and nothing makes it look better except some good ole' fashioned abrasives, maybe a buff if it got real bad . . .

wet-sanding. etc . ..

2001ProtegeLX April-20th-2003 12:40 PM

Last time, some kids drove by and threw eggs on people's cars, one of them were mine. I used detergent right away. Put detergent on and wash it gently. Wax the area afterwards. Hope it help.

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