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Jcon7487 January-19th-2002 12:51 AM

Clear Corner Lights
Can Us Do-It-Yourselfers Make the front corner light clear ourselves. I know GroHarlem has someone in florida but If He can Do it why can't I? I have heard that all you do is sand them down and clearcoat them, but I am afraid that will look kinda crappy and it looks to me that the lenses are orange all the way through.. Anyone have any answers??


Jcon7487 January-19th-2002 04:37 PM

Thanks.. I'll have to do the same or chance it all with mine.. If they look that bad then I'll have to drive around with Crappy lookin Corners but oh well.. It's worth a try..

Maz94Protege January-19th-2002 09:14 PM

Originally posted by Gro Harlem

I might buy (cough...steal) a set of corners from a junkyard and see if sanding works, or how it would look etc b/c it's pissing me off that there aren't any corners :(.
werd. ill go with him and do the same! heeh:blue: :blue: :blue: :blue: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

hoodsum November-14th-2002 06:34 PM

did it work does any one now

zchild92 November-14th-2002 07:18 PM

This has been discussed before, the bastards are orange all the way thru.

hoodsum November-14th-2002 08:21 PM

thank god i didn't try it.

zchild92 November-14th-2002 10:52 PM

Yep, I even went as far as discussing this with a composites/plastics expert in the Materials & Process group at my company. I wanted to see if there was a way to chemically pull the color out o the plastic. Basically any method you will try to apply to strip the color will melt the plastic. :crying:

hoodsum November-14th-2002 11:23 PM

i guess it would be better someone to make if for us. heard the bmw lights would fit

zchild92 November-15th-2002 11:51 AM

Cablemirc. Do you have pix of the Pro e-spec lights that you can post? How much are they???

SLPRprotege November-15th-2002 12:08 PM

Those are nice. Where can I pick me up a pair and how much? :drool:

zchild92 November-15th-2002 03:33 PM

Originally posted by cablemirc

with daylamps/city lights too, no less! this is the amber variant

I like the grill on this one, you can definately tell those are glass! Very nice :D

Are these direct bolt ins'?

OPRAKU November-15th-2002 07:46 PM

hahahaha.. but Wil's got a point.. they're gonna look at it and not know the diff between it being DOT approved or not. Unless they actually LOOK at it.

BioSehnsucht November-16th-2002 01:50 PM

You suck at teh understanding

Originally posted by cablemirc
it's not a matter of legal or illegal, it's a matter of blinding oncoming opposing drivers. blind a cop, and he's gunna get mental on your ass, DOT approved or not. you'll get a nice cozy ticket that says your headlights need to be certified by an traffic officer, not a peace officer. not your standard fix-it ticket, folks.. trust me.

getting headlights made for aus. or japan means that the cars drive on the other side of the street.. these lights are made to "bleed" excess light off the roadside by design. if you get headlamps designed for people who drive on the opposite side of the street, guess where your light goes? that's right, right in the face of the oncoming cars... all H4 J-Spec focused beam and all.. get ones made in the phillipines or europe, and you won't have this problem.

did'nt TheMAN already just say this in his post?

Yes, he pretty much did. And you've just about grasped the situation here, altho technically the light to the side of the road isn't excess "bleed" but is specificly aimed there to light up road signs. Which is right where oncoming traffic is if you have the wrong beam pattern.

cablemirc gets a cookie.

Originally posted by Gro Harlem
He might of, but no one reads his posts anyways :p

Just aim the headlights away if they blind oncoming traffic.

If you read his posts, you might actually learn something. Assuming that you can learn something ...

Besides the car is so low that the only cars it'll bling are friggin ferrari's and miatas.....that sit the driver low to the ground.

I have my high beams on all the time when i drive. I've drove by cops 100000x and oncoming traffic. NEver once did i get someone "high beaming" me. I highly doubt these lights on the normal position would be brighter than my high beams. I'm sure they'd spread the beam out over a bigger area, but even still, it wouldn't be so insanely bright that you'd get your ass handed to you by the cops.

You are docked 2 cookies, so if you are ever awarded any you lose the first 2. No cookie for you!

The only reason you haven't been ticketed is probably because the DOT lighting is so crap, that when you lowered that far you still "can't see shit, captain!". You RUINED what LITTLE lighting ability you had, thats why you probably use the hi beams. You probably still annoy other drivers, even the non-low-sitting ones, just not enough that they decide to bother with trying to hi-beam you.. or maybe you just go by too quick LOL

But keep in mind.. DOT lighting for low beams is sort of "well, lets kinda throw a bit of light over here on the ground and abit to the right somewhat".. and DOT hibeam is "well, lets just kinda put it out there.."

Now, the issue is this: If you upgrade to E-Code quality lighting, you now get lobeams that make a precise and bright beam pattern, built to not blind other drivers while properly illuminating the road for yourself. BUT, if you get lights meant for RHD cars, such as from Japan or Australia, your now 'perfect' beam is aimed perfectly at oncoming drivers.. including cops. If you have one meant for LHD cars, then you properly illuminate road signs, do not blind any oncoming drivers, AND can see where you are going.. unless you turn on hte hi beams in which case you cut a swath of destruction with the light... (well, not really, but its muuuch brighter and precisely defined than ordinary DOT hibeams, you'd almost expect such..)

If you go E-Code, you're breaking the law. Not that it wouldn't stop me for superior lighting (hell, you'd bother other drivers LESS with the PROPER beam pattern).
The Question Is: Do you get RHD from Japan/Aus. and risk pissing off a cop, possibly even causing an accident by blinding someone ? or get LHD from Europe and have all the benefits with almost none of the hazards (A cop COULD decide to pull you over and stare at the housings for the DOT logo, but thats not too likely if you didn't blind him to begin with).

Augh, Why do some of you people persist in idiocy?

I swear, we should like find out which dumbasses put on the RHD lights then start making anonymous tips until they get busted repeatedly.. you ARE a hazard if you use RHD lights. And FYI, my 240 AND my mom's saturn are both low enough to get blinded by ORDINARY DOT LO BEAMS, much less high beams, from both small and large cars.

UCSBgeek November-17th-2002 02:49 AM

Originally posted by TheMAN
try using your brain for the first time in your life

Edwin is not serious.

UCSBgeek November-17th-2002 03:48 AM

Hope you guys are just messing with each other....

but yeah, I just installed some cheapo driving lights and attached them to the lower part of the bumper. I am trying to decide how exactly to aim them, but our stock lights kinda stink. The problem with the bright lights is they shine out pretty far, but the lo-beam filament goes off all the way, and you don't get much light near the front of the car. This is really annoying out on deserted roads that I like to travel on. So I can aim them to act like low beams while the high beams are on, which it makes it easier to keep on a lot, or like mid/high beams to complement the low beams in dark places.

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