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Bomber September-5th-2002 11:19 AM

Car Wax??
Hello everyone. I just bought a Protege ES with the GT package, and am quite pleased with it.
I am wondering what wax would be the best to use. Thanks for your replies.

Sir Nuke September-5th-2002 12:35 PM

First off...WELCOME TO THE CLUB! :{D

as far as long as you stay with a good NAME brand, you really can't go wrong....its truely personal preference.

Meguires is a good one....Mothers is another.....Zino.....the list goes on and on.

Bomber September-5th-2002 12:39 PM

Ya, I was thinking of getting Mothers, but I thought I should ask first and see if were types I should stay away from.

Bomber September-5th-2002 01:47 PM

Well...I might just use Maguires instead. I know its a new car, and shouldn't need a wax job this quick, but with fall/winter coming up I figure I should give my paint the extra care so it will keep for a while.

alcoholiday September-5th-2002 01:49 PM

meguiars gold class is what i'm using now.

jimbo September-5th-2002 02:01 PM

I use a product called "Liquid Glass" that I get from the "Perp Boys". It's a product that I've used for years. It's about $20/bottle. I think each bottle lasts about 5 coatings on a MP5 (just guessing though).

Bumble_G September-5th-2002 03:13 PM

One word


camss69 September-7th-2002 11:45 PM

Zaino Bros
Zaino is clearly the best. Check out their web site, I used mequires for a long long time and was hesitant to switch because I literally have tried just about everything. The nice thing about zaino is how easy it is to use, a little spendy but well worth the $$. The car wash is awesome. If you want to see some good example pics check out and scroll down to the bottom and check out the zaino pics. That's what my TA looks like after using the stuff.

Spend the $$$ it's worth it.


Atenza Speed September-8th-2002 05:10 AM

i think the most important thing that u got a new car is "paint sealant" try to allocate some nice and professional paint sealant to protect your new paint. Just say... diamond kote or some other kinda sealants, I recommend Teflon material products, it's a kind of very slippery stuff and it last longer than normal car wax.... thatz just my 2 cents

NoahsMP5 September-8th-2002 06:35 PM

Sir Nuke, were your feelings hurt by the poll taken? You just welcomed a newbie without the big comfy couch and the fridge line:(

And I use megiures Gold Class also, but I heard that zaino thes best. I cant justify 40 bucs for a bottle yet .

camss69 September-8th-2002 10:14 PM

40 bucks
You could justify it if you just felt a car with zaino on it. It holds up ten times better than meguires and if you use the car wash with it, it literally looks better after you wash it. My TA is black and black shows everything, I was starting to get depressed using meguires I thought my car would just have to look like shit all the time. But then I found Zaino and all is good now. It's kind of a system thing with their products but once you try it you will never go back. I should start selling this stuff I tell so many people about it.

PrincessProtege September-9th-2002 09:30 PM

Get one that is liquid based, and not paste/wax in a can, it will not leave white residue in the cracks. Also, your soap will help as well. We use Meguiar's soft wash gel, works great and smells good too! Good luck

Bomber September-10th-2002 01:48 AM looks like its going to be either Megiures or Zaino. What type of bottle is Zaino in(squeeze/paste)? and does anyone know where they sell that stuff in Canada? I don't remember seeing it, but I wasn't really looking for it.

NoahsMP5 September-10th-2002 02:05 PM

Zaino comes in glass jar I beleive. Do I search on yahoo or something . There are a few places that sell it on the web. The cheapest I have seen it has been $ 35. Theres different grades of it too going all the way up to 1500 . F**k that.

camss69 September-10th-2002 05:52 PM



And no glass jar either.

Dude, go to

You can't get it in stores, you can order it directly from them OR you can get it locally from a distributor. Not a store but some guy probably selling the stuff out of his house. It's in a liquid form, there is some mixing involved, you need to use a catalyst Z1 or the ZFX I think it's called and mix that with Z2 (show car) or z5 (scratch remover) If you buy EVERYTHING I wouldn't think you would be over $150, if you get what I got

Z2 show car wax
z5 scratch remover
ZFX the catalyst
z6 the spray
Z7the car wash,
It came to around $65

If you've got a brand new car you probably don't need the z5 scratch remover just the z2 and ZFX plus the car wash and maybe the spray if you want to do touch ups without washing the car. Now you're talking $40-50 but you don't use it like regular car wax, you use it VERY sparingly and you get 4 times as many waxes out of one bottle of zaino that you would out of one bottle of brand x.

READ their web page! It's very informative and if your in the Bay area I can give you the local guys number down in Sunnyvale area. You can email me if you have other questions.

Later, Nick

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