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dafoo21 April-5th-2003 02:12 PM

audio newbee
im new to the car audio scene. i want to upgrade my system but i dunno what to look for. should i upgrade the stock speakers or will i be fine with just getting an amp with a sub? im not looking to do a whole makeover for my audio, i just wanna be able to bump my music a lil louder and be have it still clear. what will it cost me for a decent upgrade?... or atleast point me in the right direction, thanks guys, and girls =), in advance. also... if i knew what i was looking for i would use the search but i dont.

hihoslva April-5th-2003 03:27 PM

Instead of asking what it'll cost, set yourself a budget.

Decide how much you are willing to spend, and we can help you out from there.

I'm not trying to be unhelpful - it's just that, for example, you can do a whole system for $500, or spend $1000 on a single component. The budget is what decides.

And you DO need to raise the budget considerably if you are having stuff installed for you. Do it yourself, and you can save a lot of money that can be used elsewhere.

So - whaddaya willing to spend?


00blunt April-5th-2003 06:37 PM

for the clarity you seek the first thing i would do IS replace the factory speakers since the ones the car comes with are usualy complete shit being made outta paper and all that...and since you don't wanna go all nuts on the system, 2 way speakers should be fine. Then if you're thinkin of doing a subwoofer setup, you're prolly gonna have to get a new HU since the factory ones rarely have pre-outs unless you're gonna fade em with your back speakers...yah ...actually the dude's right, you gotta set a budget before you go shopping, otherwise you could end up spending all your money on an expensive amp or sub but then your speakers would be lacking in the ability to fill out the sound.

walight01 April-6th-2003 12:50 AM

give us a budget and well goto town on it :)

Dave Cameron April-6th-2003 01:32 AM

Hihoslva is telling you right, set a budget, and let us know what your objectives are- what type of music you like, do you listen to the radio lots, or just CDs? Or MP3? Do you like lots of bass, or a clean across the front soundstage? Want to keep the factory deck or replace it?
Drop a reply with a little more like this (and anything else you can think to add please) and folks will help you to start zeroing in on various options....
Good Luck- and help the folks here to help you!:D

cjstringer April-6th-2003 05:28 PM

I have a 12" Infinity 1220W for sale, brand new, in the box, never opened, for $50+ shipping Pretty good deal. Cheapest you'll find it in a store is $80.
Good start, and will add a LOT of bass.

walight01 April-6th-2003 09:20 PM

i can get it for 60 bucks shipped :)

dafoo21 April-6th-2003 09:34 PM

started already
well i alright started off... i got 3 10s and an amp by mtx (heard they are better than kenwood/pioneer) and now im looking to replace my inside speakers and get a head unit. my factory speakers wont do because wit the subs i got the bass gets way loud so i turn the bass down and the music sounds like shit in the car with the bass all the way down, anyone have suggestions or a place to go for cheap speakers but yet what im looking for. im not looking for ALOT of bass, i jsut dont want my music to sound liek shit when i turn the bass down. also looking for a decent price headunit, im liking what alpine has to offer... i hope this clears anything up...

dafoo21 April-6th-2003 09:37 PM

looking only to spend like a couple hundred more, i wanna keep my credit card to a nice low level, lol.

dafoo21 April-6th-2003 09:43 PM

i knew i would be replacing the stock speakers, im just piecing this thing together right now, not trying to do it all at once, u know? i wanted to get the most expensive one piece component outta the way first and that being the amp and since i was getting an amp, i just wanted to get the sub with it cause it kinda goes hand in hand, but i need some advice on the indoor speakers, i dont know any terminology so u need to be stupid with me, thanks guys!

demoninvictus April-7th-2003 07:04 AM

isn't impulse buying great? what kind of mtx amp (ie tell me what the tag in the store said :) LoL model, wattage, class)? as far as your speakers, what size opening are the doors again guys, 5x8 or 6 1/2? i forget? and whats the rear, 6x9 right? you definately want to replace all of your speakers, but focus on your front first. i would recommend a pair of infinity component speakers for the front. i've seen a lot of their products in store, in vehicle, and in a sound off they had at our local tweeter back last july, i was quite impressed. the front sound stage is one of the most important pieces to your sound system and can be a hard fix to figure out, but can be done right and under a budget of a couple hundred. i'm sorry that i don't really have experience on cheaper brands so i don't really know what you'd be getting into, however, i would tell you from personal experience, stay away from sony and kenwood speakers. every kenwood i have boughten (only 3 pairs, but still) sounded like fuckin ass. sony, well, it's sony, come on (don't even start me on sony). good luck

dafoo21 April-7th-2003 10:13 AM

i forgot the info on the amp, when i go back ill make sure to remember it. the guy recommended it, my friend said it was also more than enough but ill get back to u on that. im probly more than likely going to go for the alpine or polk speakers unless someone tells me better (better price/sound). i would also like to know the actual size i will need, lol... every where i look on this site is always confused on the actual size... thanks guys

p.s. impulse buying is GREAT. i hate waiting

dafoo21 April-10th-2003 04:53 PM

ive got one more step in completing my system... i got the headunit today, gonna save some money and get inside speakers and ill be done... just one question tho, what do i need to do to be able to seperate my bass from the inside of my car from the bass from the woofer, ive got the option on the reciever but i dunno about the wiring...

cjstringer April-11th-2003 07:57 AM

Depends on the head unit. If it has a sub out, you can just send that signal to the sub and the regular signals to the other speakers. If not, you may have to look into a crossover, or make sure the amp has a built in crossover. Might ask 1st MP3. He's really good at this stuff.

DeaDLy93PRoTeGe April-11th-2003 09:44 AM

ok audio noobie. Here's my input.

Go with Polk Audio Speakers, they are great speakers, and probably some of the clearest speakers around. You will need to find out what size you need, and all that.

Go with a Kenwood, or a JVC head unit, they are probably some of the best, for not alot of money. Plus, they don't skip. :)

Amplifiers......That's where it gets tricky. How many subs are you running? you will want at least a 1000 watt amp for 3 mtx's to sound good. Go with a cadence, MTX, Rockford Fosgate, or the cheaper bazooka amps. I'll tell you one thing, Bazooka makes some killer amps. I have a 330 watt bridged amp on 2 MTX Thunder 6000's, and everyone asks me what kind of 1000 watt amp do I have.

There is my input, hope you like.

dafoo21 April-11th-2003 07:19 PM

well i already got the headunit and amp and subs... im going for the inside speakers now... i ve been hearing get good ones in front and decent ones in back or should they all be same quality?

also, maybe in laymen's terms could someone describe to me how i can actually use the headunits option for adjusting the bass inside the car different from the subs bass? right now its all being adjusted at once and it sucks...

mnkyboy April-16th-2003 11:47 PM

I want to replace my factory speakers with something decent. I like the factory HU, since I have the indash 6disc changer.

What speakers would you recommend for me to buy? I want to spend around $125. Im not a big car audio person, but I do want better speakers than the factory speakers.

Any suggestions/comments would be great.

Also, could you name some online places besides that I can purchase speakers. I will be installing them myself.

walight01 April-17th-2003 03:20 PM www.sounddomaincom
crutchfield is expensive b/c EVERY PRODUCT has a manufactors warrantee b/c authorized dealers. make sure when you buy from another site you know what your getting. 125 a set or for all speakers?

mnkyboy April-17th-2003 03:37 PM

Originally posted by walight01 www.sounddomaincom
crutchfield is expensive b/c EVERY PRODUCT has a manufactors warrantee b/c authorized dealers. make sure when you buy from another site you know what your getting. 125 a set or for all speakers?

$125 for all (4) speakers. Like I said, I just want some decent speakers, that are better then the paper factory ones. I dont spend that much time in my car to be spending big $$$ on speakers :D. Id rather spend the extra money on my home theater system ;)

mnkyboy April-17th-2003 05:40 PM

Is it possible to install 6x9 speakers without a major modification? I have some Sonys that I used in my last car.

hihoslva April-17th-2003 06:17 PM

Originally posted by mnkyboy
Is it possible to install 6x9 speakers without a major modification?
I'm pretty sure you will have problems installing 6x9s. They simply won't fit without mods - and I don't think just using an adapter plate will work, either.


b_real45 April-17th-2003 06:43 PM


Since you'll be using the new inside speakers with the HU's power, I suggest finding speakers that have a high sensitivity. Infinity speakers are pretty high... this means it'll take less power to drive them.

DeaDLy93PRoTeGe April-17th-2003 10:20 PM

Go with some Polk Audio's.

Clean, Crisp Sound, with some nice bass.

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