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redrims August-21st-2003 12:23 AM

Well I just think that most ppl don't live near Williamsburg. If you lived closer I would be more than happy to reserve a space.

Laser5 August-21st-2003 07:49 AM

Williamsburg to me is mostly the college and the historical places. It is also 45 minutes from me.

akaveli August-21st-2003 08:30 AM

Originally posted by mazda_pride
It is amazing how a simple little question can turn into hilliarious racial banter. On a lighter note, let me know how you can't help too. It's drawling a croud.
Yea isn't it funny.:rolleyes:

lost_concept September-1st-2003 09:00 PM

You know i wasn't going to let this just slide by...
Awwwwww Shit ! I knew one day some racist fuck would come out of the forum and use the NIGGER word.
And I unfortunately stumbled upon this thread to see this mishap take place.

Let me start this Flame off like this.

You Stupid Weak Son Of A Bitch

I can tell you why you’re a weak pathetic son of a bitch. Any person that can’t use any other word other than NIGGER to explain a black person is stupid. If you was real you would of just said what you had to say instead of just putting the letter “N”
I assume that this forum is predominantly white of course, and I am not going to tolerate any bullshit like this.

To the Racist Fuck in Delaware.
We don’t live that far apart. How about we schedule a meet of our own. I will even bring my camera to show your bloody face to everyone on this board.
You can also bring some of your friends because I have tons of people who love to fight some racist bastards any day. Don’t ever let me catch you at any Virgina Protégé meets. That’s going to be serious a ass whooping on your behalf and strongly not advised.
You must have been afraid of the area you was in because you wouldn’t of even brought it up if you wasn’t.
“Oh no! I am going to get my car jacked! Look at his hair it’s an afro! He looks scary! Must be Satan himself!”

You Pathetic Loser …
OH Yeah
"You Weak Bitch"

redrims September-1st-2003 10:28 PM

All I can say is WOW!:eek:

lost_concept September-2nd-2003 01:13 AM

Originally posted by P5Mazda
:chef: :wackit: :violin:
This NEEDS no translation

Going to fucking use the black chef dude, then the monkey.
Using the fucking monkey to compare black people....

Oooooooh i am going to kill this bitch.

Lets Spice this up.

I am offering $100 Dollars on the location of this guy.
Or of any info leading to his ass wooping.

So if he comes to any Va meets, or any meets at all let me know.
$100 Reward will be given

So if you want a free $100 bucks
Just rat out the info :D
Your name will never be disclosed

lost_concept September-2nd-2003 02:08 AM

Ok Killing is a little to harsh for now, but when i am finished its going to be close to it.

Laser5 September-2nd-2003 07:04 AM

Dang dude, slow your role. It's not that serious. Ignore that Stupid S***.

Meade September-5th-2003 12:24 PM

Well, gawwww-leee!!!

An' ah thaught tha Wah of Nawthun Aggreshun wuz a hunderd yeas ago nah.

Sheet mama, they'z still a Masun-Dixun lahn aftuh awl!

Waz dis boade about ennyhow? Sum Jappuneze rice-rocket? Man, mah Ford F150 SupahCab cud crush dat liddle tin cayan lahk a possum on a backroad!!!

-- Thuh White Boy in Rishmun

pro00 September-6th-2003 12:10 PM

ok, to the main point
alot of the people that browse this forum(well for the DC area) are still int he 20's, thus got no car garages or spots to park your car in it. so don't get offended that no body responds
infact, VA is a strong state. we had several sucessful meets
I have a parking spot in VA, but it is in a townhouse location and I don't live there any more, my parents do.
and I know that they WILL not take ANY RESPONSIBLILTY for the car. they will look after it and it is a very safe neighbour hood
(fairfax), but, again, not alot of people want to be held responsible for a car, you get the ponit i am trying to get into?

about the comments, i am not even gonna touch that, because if i do, i will probably won't shut up


Ambient September-6th-2003 02:05 PM

I don't post much, and I check the board rather infrequently.

P5Mazda, I am in Hampton, VA. We live about 15-20 minutes away from each other tops.

I will be in town from school tonight, and you can express your full opinions about the "N" word to my face this evening.

My team meeting is at 9pm at the Newport News Golds Gym on Jefferson near the Lowes(Across 64 away from the Patrick Henry Mall)

You have the balls to say it on a message board. It shouldn't be any different in person.. See you there.

lost_concept September-6th-2003 07:08 PM

About time someone else other than me stepped up about this racist bullshit.


I head out to Hamton from time to time to meet up with some people at Hampton Univ.

We should meet up sometime
Hang out or wait for this faggot to come to a Va meet again and woop some ass.
Or just enjoy watching me slam his head between the hood of his own car :D

akaveli September-6th-2003 10:32 PM

yea fuck that bitch

Ambient September-8th-2003 06:27 PM

Hrm no show...

Maybe he didn't read it. But I doubt that.

During the meeting inside the gym, I saw some headlamps come up and park so I thought it was him. Went out to confront, and some guy was getting dome in the car. I couldn't stop laughing, that wasn't you was it?

lost_concept, I'm in school in about an hour south of Hampton, but travel home about every 2-3 weeks, shoot me an email or IM me on AIM. I don't check the board often, so a PM here might not reach me in time.

P5Mazda September-15th-2003 11:20 PM

Finally, this forum has came back. This is the first time in a month or so. But hey everybody, ain't got no beef with nobody. I do have a couple of black friends, dated this black girl 3 months ago, and work with black people. So I apologize for what I said. It was immature of me to make a comment like that. I hope someone can delete this thread cause I dont mean any disrespect. I need to shut up sometimes... but again, I apologize.


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