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Pudge0878 September-28th-2002 04:42 PM

Nice meeting everyone....
It was real nice to meet everyone... Had a great time. Hope everyone made it home safe.

WeaDD September-28th-2002 05:44 PM

I'm home. Glad you had a nice time:wee: And I dont think we got to meet.

MikeD September-28th-2002 05:53 PM

It was nice meeting you too. As well as meeting everyone else. I think the turn-out was pretty impressive. Lots of nice cars and people. We should do it again.


LitlRay September-28th-2002 09:09 PM

yay :) I had a great time! nice to meet all of you :) Im sorry you lost money wil :( I wish I woulda known I woulda helped ya out a lil more...

I cant wait till the next meet!! was so much fun! IM so sorry I had to leave early but I had so much to do tonite :( when I was leaving I passed like 4 or 5 MP3's and a few pros on their way in ... I was like damn more pros!! that pic is awesome - wish I could have participated :( oh well better luck next time! :cool:

Pudge0878 September-28th-2002 09:27 PM

Hey If it will help, I can meet you to give you more money to help out..... Let me know.

ZOOMNP5 September-29th-2002 09:33 AM

Hello everybody. This is Jason (guy with the silver P5, chrome 18's), I finally got my screen name....yeah!!! I wanted to put my two cents in here as well and to say that even though I had to leave for a little while then come back I had a great time making my first contacts with many of you. Wil, please post your address or a P.O. box if you have one and I will be more than happy to send some loot to help out with the cost of the pavillion, I belive that those who did not pitch in may not have known and should follow my lead. Also, to avoid making the same decision for the meet next time perhaps it may help if those who "will be there" actually send a check or money order well in advance to help supplement the cost of the paviliion and maybe keep them from backing out. If you have nothing invested then you have nothing to loose.

For those of you who I didn't get to see, I want to let you know that I work for Tweeter Etc. and I specialized in custom installations for car audio and security, so if there's anything you need email me or post it here and I'll try to give you a hand.

That's it for now, I'm looking forward to the next meet and perhaps staying a little longer.. :)

flip703 September-29th-2002 09:55 AM

Wil, sorry bout the $ lost man. That's a bummer. Anyhow did you post the pics on the website yet? I wanna see! I was in Charlottesville Friday night and didn't get home until 5PM that Saturday. Glad I didn't sign up to come or else yall be bitching at me not showing up.

LitlRay September-29th-2002 10:36 AM

Originally posted by ZOOMNP5
Hello everybody. This is Jason (guy with the silver P5, chrome 18's), I finally got my screen name....yeah!!!
its about time!, welcome man :D ... your ride was lookin sweet as ever yesterday :)

reking September-30th-2002 08:40 AM

Hello everyone its me, Rona! I was so happy Saturday and the scenery was great. I love meeting all of you and I already miss some of you and cannot wait to meet you guys again. If any of you want to meet up sometime send my a PM message and we will hang out again.:D

ZoomZoomH September-30th-2002 09:17 AM

Originally posted by Gro Harlem
Hopefully whoever does MAPP V will be more successful.
very true, since most likely neither Wil nor myself will want to plan another MAPP all by ourselves.

if anyone else wants to plan the next one, please show your interest! whoever plans it can pick the spot!!!!

anyone interested in NJ? PA? DE? VA Beach, heck if someone's willing even NC!!!?????

it's like that cliche "if you build it, they will come" :D

glowck September-30th-2002 10:18 AM


JasonKilpa September-30th-2002 11:08 AM

Yeah it was great meeting all of you. There are also a lot of great places in Delaware we could meet if people were willing to travel here. Anyways sorry me and my brother had to leave so early. We really wanted to stay. Next time I am there for the whole thing. Thanks to Wil and Hank and anyone else that helped out. You guys did do a great job and helped make a newcomer like myself feel comfortable. Hope to see you all again real soon.

azrakain September-30th-2002 09:21 PM

VA Beach would be a good place to meet actually. There are quite a few parks and things in the area. I agree that you need to asign jobs though.

Meade October-1st-2002 11:27 AM

Hey everyone ... hope I've got this all set up right.
I agree with Wil and Hank. This was the fourth Mid-Atlantic Protege Picnic. I organized MAPPs I, II and III, and vowed I never would organize another one because of the same reasons they stated. But I wound up doing most of the cooking for this one after NO ONE ELSE volunteered.

You people who didn't "know" about costs/obligations ... we're all adults, aren't we? Did you REALLY not know that renting shelters and buying food costs MONEY, and that organizing the event, cooking food, putting up banners, and other things requires someone to actually DO THEM? Even if you didn't know ahead of time, you obviously have EYES and could see when Hank and I were trying to hang banners. And those of you who stood around watching me grill, holding your plates out waiting for the next burger while Ashu, Wil and Hank ran back and forth trying to keep your tummies full, well, were your optic nerves connected to your brains?

C'mon, people, those excuses are bullshit. Do you think the food just materialized out of nowhere? Or maybe Hank and Wil robbed the Safeway up the road before coming? Sorry for my hard attitude on this, but I feel sorry for Wil and Hank's first experience with this ... and this was my FOURTH. I fully agree that next time we need not only a signup sheet, but money put up front for MAPP V. Participants who pay will receive a ticket and they may eat. Latecomers will be expected to pay. No ticket, no food. BTW, it costs approximately $100 to rent one of those shelters for the day, so a set fee may have to be charged everyone ... if the organizer makes a few bucks off of the deal, great ... it'll help pay for his and/or her time spent organizing, and maybe help start a kitty for the next meet.

I also helped clean up the trash and associated mess many of you left behind at the shelter when you went off to have the group photo taken. Once again, folks, come on! Clean up after yourselves! Mommy wasn't here to clean up after you, and frankly I didn't enjoy having to dash around chasing the trash you left to blow around in the wind!

One other thing while I'm having my piss-session. Friends, Wil and Hank set up this meet at a state park. It's a family-oriented place. I think they made reasonably clear on the entry form that rude behavior would not be tolerated. Personally I am very glad I did not organize this one because of all of the screeching tires, high-volume rap music and general rudeness of some of the participants; you know who you are. No wonder the park rangers, who many of you laughed and sneered at, had a problem with our event. I also hear a state trooper paid a visit to our shelter late in the afternoon.

I feel like I'm scolding a bunch of 13-year-olds here. Guys and gals, I'm not preaching to all of you, and I hope those of you who did maintain your decorum will forgive me for lashing out like this. But from about 2 p.m. on, I was downright worried that we were going to get evicted from the park.

If there is a next time, can we all please try to be adults and be considerate of (a) those who organized the event, and (b) the other people in the park, who also paid their entrance fee and were expecting a park to be a peaceful, quiet place for them and their families? I have a feeling we may not be welcomed at Leesylvania, and possibly any other, state park in Virginia again. And let me tell you that it's hard to find a place that can accommodate several dozen cars and up to 100 people for an event like this; I've tried! And local parks can and do (Fairfax is an example) charge two and three times what Wil and Hank paid for this state park shelter. Next time we may ALL have to pay for this time by shelling out a bit more than the measely FIVE BUCKS Wil had to come begging you for.

Good job, Wil and Hank. Great job in fact. And welcome to the club of former event organizers ...

2000 Protege ES 5-speed
Former '92 LX auto & '92 LX 5-speed
Wife Tammy: 2002 Protege5

glowck October-1st-2002 12:18 PM

I understand you bitching about the money, people not wanting to help clean up, trying to take over the grill, so on and so forth. But the rangers at that park were being assholes. There were no boats using the area we were going to take our first picture.

About reving of motors and systems, well some of those spanish children playing football or soccer were alot louder than the steros being played. I been to many Mustang picnics when I had my 71 mach 1 mustang. Reving the motors has no harm. Matter of fact the jet skis earlier in the water was louder i do not see you complaining about that. Maybe some people had fun and others did not because they had to cook and clean up which really sucks.

I know maybe we should not have them in virginia because we are all hoodlums and not wanted there LOL. Maybe Pg county is the best soultion or hey how about southeast in antcosta park. We can get car jack there. Not to be anal of virginia but I do not like northern virginia. Some of my friends that live there are cool but they think they are so much better then the rest of us. I know there are places like that in maryland too like annapolis and potomac but hey i do not live there. But in northern virginia that attitude is everywhere. Maybe MAPP 5 should be in delawre, Virginia Beach, New Jersey, Penns, Tennessee. Better idea Dundalk LOL. (maryland baltimore joke)

Oh well #1 rule or excuse SHIT HAPPENS LIVE WITH IT

Thanks Wil and Hank for a great event
Thanks Meade for being Head Chef
Thank all the good people
thanks all the asshole people
thanks all the people who might be asshole people
thanks the $4.50hr Park Rangers

Maybe they should of check for green cards down at the spanish party.

Thats right always fuck with the car people.
All the mexicans peeing in the woods.

That's right fuck with the car people?

Get the message it will happen every where.

Oh well thanks again

Meade October-1st-2002 12:40 PM

OK, now that I know what kind of people I'm dealing with here ...
I guess I now know when I'm wasting my time.

Enjoy your forum.


Meade October-1st-2002 12:42 PM

Oh, BTW ...
Don't call the next one MAPP V. That was my creation. I don't want myself or anything I created associated with the next one if it's going to have people like you in attendance.


Meade October-1st-2002 12:45 PM

Soccer games? Jet skis?
Hmmm, now maybe the fact that the park was INTENDED for soccer games and jet skis might be a factor in this, huh?

Meade October-1st-2002 12:47 PM

Oh, and the jet skis and soccer players ...
... weren't causing my head to ache or the interior of my car to rattle. Nor were they causing the family standing beside their boat in the parking lot to shout, "Please turn that crap down!"

But oh well, I'm just picking on the car people ... funny we had three other events like this one, the second one even at this same place, and didn't have any trouble ... maybe it was because we had no Maryland folks there that time.

JasonKilpa October-1st-2002 12:59 PM

You know I think enough is enough here. I paid double the amount for me and my brother together. I cleaned up after myself and had a great time. This was also my first time at one of these meets. I have only had my car for 2 months. I was very impressed with the way it was setup and have said so in previous posts. I think it is terrible the money situation became an issue. Here I was worried I didn't pay enough. As for the noise issue I think both sides need to give in some. Does a state park think that if they allow a car club to come to its park to meet that there isn't going to be some car noise??? I go to many car meets every year for VW's, Mustangs, and many others and all car shows/meets are loud. However that being said there is a point where car noise is annoying to some. And some people should think of others when they are making a lot of noise. And the idea that a soccer game is louder then an exhaust system or hooked up system is kinda crazy. But hey I wasn't there when the noise started. I am looking back on the whole thing as a positive meeting. I think I made some great friends and acquaitances there (sorry about spelling) and I am not going to let all this yelling and screaming about this and that tarnish that.

Sorry just had to speak my mind too.

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