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pro00 April-23rd-2003 10:39 PM

The Matrix Meet
Okay, I want to say first, what a great meet this was for the MTM shoot. I had a blast, Thanks for the people that set it up. Sorry to hear about the Miata's.

Second, I hope the MAPPV thing work, I was really looking forward for it. good luck with it

Now, for the main event.....

I am all excited and worked up about seeing the movie, "matrix Reloaded" as you guys could tell by my thread. What I have in plan that matrix fans that want to go and see the movie, how about we have a meet couple of hours in a location, and then go and see the movie, as protege fans. I know this may sound:gay:
but it is going to be a blast. What do you guys say

have a meet, chill for an hour or so, then see the movie ;)
Hope to get some yes's

The movie comes out may 15th, but I have work all this weekend, working GMU graduations "I work as an event supervisor/usher" there and we will be cramped.

Any day after that, I could do, any movie theater is up by popular demand, and any time too. I am only starting the ball here:D

redrims April-23rd-2003 11:14 PM

I'm in there like swim wear:D

But you do now that we will have to get tickets early, like the day before or in the morning. Tickets are going to sell FAST. Maybe we can order them online and pick them up there.:dunno:

pro00 April-24th-2003 08:49 AM

Sounds good,
but to decide on that, we have to decide on three things

1.Date (could not be before sunday 18th(perferable on that date too)
2.time (any is fine)
3. Location (the best movie theater there is, I will enjoy this movie):D

C'mon everyone, hop in, lets make this thing work
it is the "matrix neo"

redrims April-24th-2003 09:48 AM


My friends want to see it when it comes out :( and I kinda do too.

IMO, the best movie theatre in the area is at Arundel Mills. I want to do the valet parking thing this time.:D

pro00 April-24th-2003 06:54 PM

well, we could have two meets then, one is for the people who wnat to see it as soon as it comes out, then one for the protege/matrix meet.

I don't think you mind seeing it twice, hell, even three times(I know, tickets are expensive).

Dunno, we need more people, we have a tug of war here guys:D :D :D

lets see who wins this one

redrims April-26th-2003 04:12 PM

I think I'm going to go on the Friday, May16th. I like going to the 'late nights':D

pro00 April-26th-2003 04:19 PM

how late is a "late show"

redrims April-26th-2003 04:49 PM

I think it starts at 12am

ZoomZoomH April-26th-2003 05:14 PM

i'm up for a Matrix meet, especially if they have a 'late show' viewing ;)

pro00 April-29th-2003 10:06 PM

I am up for a late night show too.

However, I am not too comfortable leaving my car
to be driven by a valet driver, is it safe

Oh, I love the trailer, it rocks, those white clothed dudes
are phat as $#!t

Witchdoktor May-1st-2003 08:46 PM

your PM box is full. I tried sending you a PM, no luck :(

pro00 May-7th-2003 05:52 PM

okay, one week and a bit to go for the release of the movie
so, where are we gonna meet, and the time will be the late show, am I correct
c'mon, everybody, VA, or MD, or DC
Buy tickets online or what
I rather watch it in VA, and just meet at some shopping center and caravan down to a set location
I will be waiting:o

blackp5sdp May-13th-2003 08:10 PM

you guys ever been to the Hoffman AMC 22 theatre in alexandria,, on eisenhower ave, right off 495???? very nice also huge,, they will probably be running the movie on like 5 or 6 screens.. if anyone thinks this theatre is a good idea id be in on the meet,

i might get a friend to bring down his 350z,


pro00 May-14th-2003 11:20 AM

I have two confirmed friends, one yet to be confirmed
that are going to see the matrix once it comes out
I it will be at least at 10pm because that is when we get off
work. I will like to hook up with you up there and see the movie
in Alex, What you say?

charles May-15th-2003 12:15 AM

hey guys i think i want to see the movie tommorrow as well. I was thinking about going right after work(after 5:30) Let me know what you guys come up with.

pro00 May-15th-2003 10:29 PM

For anybody who might care anymore for this thread
3 people and I have finally decided to go
and see the movie saturday night around 6pm
if any body wants to join, pm me for details

charles May-16th-2003 09:41 AM

well since i didn't go yesterday i AM going on saturday so maybe we can ook up and go then. Anyone else going?

pro00 May-16th-2003 07:22 PM

well, if you intrested, we will probably go to the alex movie theater or maybe vienna, will decide tommorrow

Maz94Protege May-18th-2003 01:06 PM

any updates.... anyone attend this meet and see the movie or no?!?!?!?!


blackp5sdp May-18th-2003 01:13 PM

I saw the movie,, but not with anyone .. i went at 11:45pm on thursday.... so i didnt think anyone would want to go.....yes i was tired at work the next day...... but the movie was pretty good...some parts look very fake,, but good overall.

redrims May-18th-2003 01:40 PM

Lost_Concept, a couple friends and I went Friday night for the 10:30.

It was an awesome movie and worth the money. I would have enjoyed it more if Shawn didn't make us miss the first 15mins and if I wasn't on the very first row.:p

I may go and see it again because I have to know what the beginning was like.

BTW, sitting in the very first row is really bad for this movie. I thought my eyes were going to pop

silverspeed May-19th-2003 06:52 AM

I saw it Sunday around 6:30 and it was well worth the money. It was too bad that we all couldn't have meet up.

pro00 May-19th-2003 07:36 AM

yeah, no meet, but the movie was very nice
not as good as I expected, but still, good
I went with a couple of friends on Saturday evening
after work, then we hung out for a while
shame we couldn't have met up,
i had the thread up for a while

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