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02proES October-30th-2002 09:32 PM

What color should I buy???
I currently own a 02 ProDX. I bought it brand new for $11,500 (US) with the con package. It is mica green and only looks good for a week after I wash and wax. I'm now selling the DX to a friend and I am going to buy a brand new 2002 ES for $13,229. There are only 2 different cars at this price in the area. The two colors are Light Sandlewood Metalic and Garnet Red Mica. I know they are both pretty bad, but i'm just looking to see what everyone else thinks. I think the red would look pretty good with Altezza's and tinted windows. I'm going to be purchasing the car within the next two days. All input will be very helpful. Thanks


mixmaster_matt October-30th-2002 09:47 PM

neither. look around for a different color, i really don't like either of those colors in a sedan, but if i had to pick i would pick the tan one, not the red. I don't think the red sedans look good.

02proES October-30th-2002 09:53 PM

there are literally no more 02 ES models arround and I want to take advantage of the $2000 rebate that mazda is offering right now. i have look at all the mazda dealerships in MA, NH, and CT. I have found other colors fully loaded but, I don't really didn't want to spend any more than $14K

fat.elvis October-30th-2002 10:04 PM

hey, forget the 2000 cash back.... get 0% for 48 months on a 2003 while it lasts....
than fanagle (sp?) your way down in price....

BTW.... get silver. It looks the coolest on Mazda sedans and is the easiest to keep. That's what I got. Still a little partial to black though.

UCSBgeek October-31st-2002 10:30 AM

I think that Red cars typically have higher insurance rates (or is that an urban myth?), so you may want to go for the sandlewood, cause after all, it looks like you want to save money ;)

If you are able to get a choice from all the colors, I'm partial to the emerald blue :p

njaremka October-31st-2002 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Chastan
I think that Red cars typically have higher insurance rates (or is that an urban myth?), so you may want to go for the sandlewood, cause after all, it looks like you want to save money ;)

If you are able to get a choice from all the colors, I'm partial to the emerald blue :p

myth, my other car is red.


fossil boy October-31st-2002 12:14 PM

Originally posted by foxymazda
....silver also looks good...but good luck keeping that clean. I would have to say black! :D
Uh, silver is the Easiest color to keep clean!

And BTW, I have a general question to all those queries from folks asking which color to get:

How do you folks manage to get dressed each morning? Certainly the decision-making process isn't that difficult...

DebaryJoe October-31st-2002 01:27 PM

I'd go for the Sandlewood given the 2 you have to choose from. I personally don't like the dark colors on the Protege's.

The red does not have a clear coat finish on it. The Sandlewood will stay cleaner looking longer (as does any lighter color).

DebaryJoe October-31st-2002 02:25 PM

they usually look clean from a distance for a couple weeks (unless of course a dirty bird has attacked it. I wonder why they only seem to crap on CLEAN cars?)

njaremka October-31st-2002 02:32 PM

Originally posted by DebaryJoe
they usually look clean from a distance for a couple weeks (unless of course a dirty bird has attacked it. I wonder why they only seem to crap on CLEAN cars?)
because they are shiney, and birds don't like shiney things, so when the bird flys too close to your car, it gets the crap scared out of it!

fossil boy October-31st-2002 02:40 PM

Originally posted by DebaryJoe
they usually look clean from a distance for a couple weeks (unless of course a dirty bird has attacked it. I wonder why they only seem to crap on CLEAN cars?)
Well, when picking out a "throne" in a public restroom, would you opt for the pot full of turds or the sparkling-white clean toilet?
Theory #1: Birds apparently have the same passion when it comes to fecal ejecta...
Theory #2: A recently cleaned car has built-up static electricity (from rubbing) and the dis-"charged" airborne material is attracted to it...
Theory #3: Birds descended from dinosaurs, rightful Lords and Masters of the Earth. They're still pissed b/c they lost this position to Mammals and have targeted humans to vent their rage...
Theory #4: Birds have a highly-evolved sense of humor, which is the main distinction between them and the dinosaurs and why birds survived (e.g. he who laughs last, lasts..)
i have other theories, but they aren't as robust as these, above!

kcbhiw October-31st-2002 04:44 PM

but i'm just looking to see what everyone else thinks
No offense, but that really is a dim question (statement?). You'll be the one driving the car. Why should you care what other's think? Get the one that makes you happy, not everyone else. Personally, I don't ever plan on driving your car, so does my opinion matter? ;)

If you were asking in terms of durability and maintenance, ignore my reply. :cool:

02proES October-31st-2002 06:11 PM

Thanks for all the input. I have decided to go with the lighter color. I think it will be much easier to keep clean and I think I would get sick of looking at a red car. I'm still gonna look around for a black or blue, but my chances are very slim at this point. New month starts tomorrow with different incentives, so maybee i'll just get a 03. Thanks again

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