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prdsc April-25th-2002 10:40 PM

Nuttin' but questions!
OK, I've been reading the board archives for like seven hours today, and all I've ended up with are _more_ questions/issues. ;)

- P5 vs. ES/LX
- Auto vs. Manual
- Mazda vs. _
- Cold rattle on brand new car model for over a year and no fix in sight(?), +70 mph wind/road noise
- Limited model life, affecting resale value(?) and, potentially, Mazda's willingness to fix above problem. Maybe?
- ABS & sunroof vs. saving a few bucks
- etc., etc.


I'm tempted to go for the LX sedan to save money, attract less unwanted attention (from both cops and robbers), and maybe have a better resale value (all debatable).

Also, for the price of a new Protege I could have a relatively new Accord (forget Protege vs. Civic).

But the P5 . . . it keeps . . . c-c-calling me . . .

I think the biggest issue is that engine-running dealie. When's that gonna be fixed? Or _will_ it be fixed?

I should add that for the cost of the P5 over the LX sedan in particular, I want a car that will last _at least_ 5-7 years trouble-free, something that Honda spoiled me on (with their older cars, anyway).

Don't ask for much, do I? ;)

don668 April-25th-2002 11:08 PM

I would get the manual for performance, although the resale of automatics is always higher. Get most options you can, power windows, locks, and roof will give you the best resale. As will ABS.
I chose the P5 because I personally think it looks better but only you can decide. I think the P5 will have a higher resale value.

As for the rattle... not a big deal really. I hardly notice it, its not always consistant, and when I do its such a minor thing. It should be repaired. Mazdas service is second to none, so I've found in the past. I think people get upset with any problem on a new car. Totally understandable, but I would buy another in a second.

Not a lot of cars with a roof rack that doesn't make wind noise. Physics.

You can buy a Honda and keep up with the Joneses but I like to be different. Drive both then make a decision.

There is as many older Mazdas as Hondas on the street, and its hard to beat "Made in Japan".

Hope I helped some.


AustinPro April-26th-2002 12:52 AM

I purchased an ES manual, and I don't regret it at all. Personally I prefer the look of a sedan over a wagon, but that's just an aesthetic choice for you. The only reason I would get an automatic is if I did a *lot* of stop-and-go traffic. Standard is much more fun to drive, especially in a car like the Pro.

My gf has a 99 Accord, and we both agree that the Pro is more fun to drive (hers is a standard also). The Accord has more room and a few extra niceties, but the Pro interior is also very nice and more stylish IMO.

It also depends on how long you're going to keep your car. If it's a long time, the resale value is not as big of a deal. If only 3-4 years, then a Honda will definitely have more resale value. And the Civic gets better mileage.

The ES performance package is a great deal. I don't think it makes any difference to cops or theives if you have an ES or LX.

As for the engine noise, mine purrs like a kitten. Then again, maybe it's because I live in Texas. Or maybe it's more of a P5 problem?

prdsc April-26th-2002 04:13 PM


Thanks for your reply. That helps! I'd probably skip the moonroof/ABS anyway, to save $$$ (plus the fact that they bundle it--I'd rather have the option of choosing one or none or both, instead of all or nothing). The other power stuff (windows/locks) is standard on both the P5 and LX, so I'm good there (right?).

If I do end up buying new, I'll want to keep it for a looongg time, so the resale value may not even matter quite as much (as AustinPro suggested--thanks AP!).

[Warning: Mini-essay/rant ahead.]

As an aside, one thing I've seen all over these boards, and is strange to me, is a ton of Honda-bashing. I think what happened in the last few years is a generational and cultural shift that occurred because Honda was on top, so they became a victim of their own success. They made well-built, reliable cars, so over the years they gained more and more of a following, until people stopped looking at the utility of their products and instead focused solely on their popularity.

This is a pattern that repeats itself in music, movies, and fashion. One thing becomes popular for a while, then the pendulum swings back the other way: "pop" metal to "serious" grunge back to pop again, big gas guzzling cars (70's) to econo-boxes (80's) back to gas guzzlers (SUVs), long, loose, and dark bell-bottoms to short, tight, light, acid-washed pants back to bell-bottoms again, horror movies go away and come back a few years later. Long hair to short hair, facial hair to none, etc., etc., etc. There's always a main group followed by sub-groups that look for the "alternative."

The generational thing is always happening too--kids want the opposite of what their parents have. The cycle never ends.

So apparently, sometime during the last few years the Hondas that I grew up with became un-cool, because lots of people bought them because they were reliable and held their resale value! Apparently, I missed it. But I've never cared much for what's fashionable. Like if a song was good ten years ago, it's no longer good now, and people are embarrassed that they liked it?!

Some people even went to the trouble of inventing new words! I swear if I never see the word "rice" in another post I'll be happy!

Honestly, I've never cared what Mr. Jones is doing and spend my money based on my own opinions!

I know that Honda made bad decisions too, and in the early 90's their quality began to diminish. I remember checking Consumer Reports each year and seeing fewer and fewer dark red circles with the white dot. It was as if they were building 'em too good and knew they could cut back. Bean counters study quality control and apply all kinds of statistical/mathmatical analysis to the process (MBAs study exactly this kind of stuff in business school).

End of essay. Sorry, this stuff just had to come out. ;)

prdsc April-26th-2002 04:26 PM

Sheesh, who wrote that last post? I don't know what got into that guy. ;)

Back to the topic at hand, any of you P5 owners buy yours in Jersey? Can you recommend your dealer? Not will you, I mean _can_ you. ;)

I'm probably going to try Priceline's service, choosing a low bid and seeing if any dealers will bite, and is an option too as they are guaranteeing $15,984 ($200 above their quoted invoice price). Not too bad, or I'll take the numbers and just start calling around. I'm still curious to see how Priceline will turn out, though.


don668 April-26th-2002 11:16 PM

Re: Geez

Originally posted by prdsc
Sheesh, who wrote that last post? I don't know what got into that guy. ;)

Dont get me wrong though, I dont think the Honda is a bad car. In Calgary everyone and their dog owns one. Now we have all the "car modifiers" (avoiding R***R) tweaking the looks and quite a few people I know are embaraced to be associated with that so they buy something else. I'm not a big fan of the Hondas style now, but the Acuras are very nice.

As for style comming around I have a theory that it happens every 20 years. I got in to the original punk movement back in the late 70's-early 80's now its back. (sorta, I call it retro... different mind set) same with goth, alternative, fashon, cars- big powerful engines, gas crunch= small cars, then big cars came back, and now a swing to the smaller cars again.


prdsc April-27th-2002 09:37 AM


I hear you, and I remember like 15 years ago when the REALLY bad-looking plastic parts started showing up on windshield wipers and stuff like that. Like red plastic fins on the wipers. Remember? You know, stuff that looked like it came out of a McDonalds Happy Meal.

Actually, maybe that's the same stuff they're using now! Personally, I prefer a very clean look, and find some cars that I don't even like seeing rear spoilers on. That's just my opinion. :)

Sometimes it surprises me how much venom is in some of the posts I read, though, like somebody in a Honda ran over their cat or something, and now they hate Hondas!

>>I'm not a big fan of the Hondas style now

I don't think I like the Civics as much anymore, but I still like the Accord's styling. Just my personal opinion again.

Anyway, I think I'm down to deciding between a new Protege and used Accord, which may seem strange and is one comparison I haven't read too often on the boards. Despite being in different classes, and having a totally different vibe, each has qualities I'm looking for.

Hey, you wanna hear something really different? I rented a car recently, and asked for a compact at the compact rate. Well, I showed up at the rental place, expecting a K-car or something like that, and they had a nice, shiny white Ford Taurus SE waiting for me. Despite being a car that I'd probably never consider owning, this car could haul ass compared to the four-bangers I'm used to. It was like a baby cop car! It had a different type of interior layout than I'm accustomed to, but there were nice, big round controls for heating/cooling, and it was pretty cool in a very Fordish way. My right arm could rest on a nice, big center console extended forward enough to make it a good armrest (listening, Mazda?). Even the driving position inside the car and in relation to other cars felt more commanding than the cars I've owned (even an older Accord, which should be in the same class). It was so freakin' smooth, even at 90ish mph.

It was neat to drive a car from the "other side." It may be my imagination, but I felt different among the other cars too, and I think from a distance there was that initial cop car reaction from other drivers.

Oh, btw, The Rock was on David Letterman last night talking about how he played for the Calgary Stampeders. I don't watch much wrestling, just thought you might find the Calgary connection interesting. He said he was mostly on the practice squad though, and made about $250 US/wk, attending team meetings meant for the live squad only because they had free sandwiches there and he could get enough to eat for the weekend!

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