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kc5zom June-18th-2002 10:33 PM

The Numbers Are In.... (Gas Mileage)
After about 6 months with my Protege I have sat down and calculated out my gas mileage. Figures were acquired using the old see how much you put in until it clicks methodology (which I will admit is not all that accurate, but what are ya gonna do?). Since taking delivery on December 14, 2001 I have filled up 23 times at an average cost of $13.29 per tank. My average range has been 295 miles and I have an average fuel economy of 26.27mpg. My highest observed fuel economy was at the end of December when I got 31.86mpg (also the only time the car got more than 30mpg). My lowest reading was in April when I got 22.59mpg. Since winter has ended mileage has gotten lower, which I would expect since I am using the A/C more. Hopefully it will rebound come next winter.

As I'm not always a nice driver, live in Houston, drive in stop and go traffic all the time, and still get some decent gas mileage I would say I'm pretty happy with this aspect of my Protege.

txzoomr June-19th-2002 08:31 PM

I just clicked off 34.6 mpg ...all highway...but I was running A/C.
City is 28. but then again I live in a elatiely small town...

Makaveli June-20th-2002 01:10 AM

I get 10 kms/liter..... not sure how to convert.....

so for every 100 kms I need 10 litres...... 7.50$ CDN

silvP5 June-20th-2002 08:44 AM

An average of 295 a tank? I realize that you have calculated this over several months. I have had my P5 for almost 9 months and drive in a variety of conditions, getting on the throttle every now and then and I average about 400 miles a tank. My fuel light typically comes on at around 330-350 miles...


kc5zom June-20th-2002 07:56 PM

Heavy foot, 90% of its time spent in Houston. I'm lucky to even be moving half the time.

silvP5 June-21st-2002 07:32 AM

I can imagine... Heck, if Houston traffic is anything like Atlanta's...You could get out and walk to work faster than driving!


fencepost June-21st-2002 10:50 AM

One of the best quotes I've seen:

"...[driving] a stick on the DC Beltway would give you the impression that you were actually rowing the damn car." (Robert Blackshaw)

silvP5 June-21st-2002 10:57 AM

Good One! So true :p

Sir Nuke June-22nd-2002 07:32 PM

here are MY new numbers. WE, my wife and I just arrived at our vacation destination. we just drove 1923 miles in two and a half days. over that time we traveled from just south of houston texas to upstate new york, saratoga to be exact. over the varying terrain and temperatures we incountered a few things remained constant. the car (my wifes totally stock P-5) remained loaded with approximately 450 pounds of STUFF. which included the extra passangers and all our STUFF....we ran with the A/C on at all times and curised between 75 and 85 MPH at all times. the mileage varried from 27 to 29.5 MPG....not to shabby in my book.

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