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94protolx April-25th-2004 07:52 PM

does anyone here actually own a mazdaspeed or have thay all gone to

Roddimus Prime April-25th-2004 09:06 PM

I've owned one.....There's no reason why mazdaspeed owners would have to go anywhere.....that doesn't make any sense.

cosmo420 April-29th-2004 10:14 PM

maybe there should be a seperate colum for MSP's?

94protolx April-29th-2004 10:18 PM

I agree this mixed forum for MSP/p5/mp3/3rd gen is a little broad but hey who am I to pass judgment

cosmo420 April-29th-2004 10:22 PM

no i think there should be, like you mentioned it is a little too broad,that is why i have not been here in a while, i was deleting some of my favs and forgot all about this website but i still find this one informative as well as but there needs to be more input on our MSP's

Roddimus Prime April-29th-2004 10:56 PM

The MSP is not it's own's just a different model of 3rd is the P5, MP3, ES, LX, DX.....The differences you find in the MSP and the ES are the same ones you'll find in every other model of 3rd gen....

As a MSP (former) and P5 owner I find this site very easy to navigate and find model specific long as the titles of the threads are specific there should be no problems with anything.

This forum doesn't have the traffic/clutter that other forums have.

94protolx April-30th-2004 03:04 PM

I agree prime.... I understand that thee for metioned models are basiically the same engine and what not. I am just information greedy you know what I mean. I want all the info on the MSP I can get

Roddimus Prime April-30th-2004 03:33 PM

as long as us few mods do our jobs and keep the forum clean and easy to use (user friendly) and us vendors provide good deals for people we'll build the forum back up!

It always takes more time to correct problems than it does to do it right the first time!

cosmo420 May-4th-2004 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Roddimus Prime
The MSP is not it's own's just a different model of 3rd is the P5, MP3, ES, LX, DX.....The differences you find in the MSP and the ES are the same ones you'll find in every other model of 3rd gen....

As a MSP (former) and P5 owner I find this site very easy to navigate and find model specific long as the titles of the threads are specific there should be no problems with anything.

This forum doesn't have the traffic/clutter that other forums have.

so it is like saying all buick regals are one and the same? Regal Limited, T-types,GN,GNX? im sorry i just had to get that off my chest

03ESPro May-5th-2004 12:59 PM

Rod didn't say that they're one and the same... he said they all spawned from the same basic car, as did the Buick Regals. I'm sure it kills you to think your MSP is just an ES with a few mods, but IT IS!

Roddimus Prime May-5th-2004 01:33 PM

What a half-loaded argumentaive response.....

My comment about the MSP being a different model of 3rd gen protege is accurate. Your comment about buick regals is stupid because you're talking about a span of varying models and drivetrains. I'm not. 99-03 Proteges are all basically the same with minor powertrain and suspension differences.

Sheesh, sometimes I think people just want to be argumenative.

Poseur May-5th-2004 02:49 PM

Prime> I don't know what your beef with the other site is, but honestly it seems to be getting a little desperate. This sites fortunately got a pretty big history for searches, and I've actualy been trying to contribute lately instead fo telling ppl to jump ship, but in all honestly it's quite dismal around here anymore. Let's face it, there's just really not much of a group of regulars over here. Seems all of the knowledgeable guys just sorta seem to drop in every other week if they even remember to mostly just 'cause there's not much happening.

Is there a legitimate thing that the rest of us should know about or is it all personal politics? If it's something important, etc. I'll do my best to start pulling ppl over. Perhaps you can PM me if it's kinda on the D-low or something but I know there's a couple of us who are more than curious.

Roddimus Prime May-5th-2004 03:05 PM

my personal beef with has absolutely NOTHING to do with how I moderate this forum. It doesn't affect my ability to do my "job" and do it well.

Also, this is WAY OT. You should read every post I make and tell me how many times I've insulted / put down / made fun of other forums. I bet it's less than 2.

II-Savy May-5th-2004 03:31 PM

"MSP is just an ES with a few mods, but IT IS!"

Way more than just a few. To me a few is 3 or more changes. If that were the case it would take 10 minutes to make an ES into an friggin way.

Poseur May-5th-2004 03:31 PM

Oh, I know it's OT, just finally hit me enough to post on it. Dislike me all you want, Hell delete this all if you wish, I'm just stating what everyone else is wondering and isn't asking. And plain and simple what's on my mind. It's like the little roddimus prime realm over here, seems everything's just at your discretion. not saying it's necessarily bad, just seems odd.

I'm HONESTLY not trying to attack, just curious and seeking info. If there's good reason to stay away from the other site, I'd like to know so I can do likewise. I don't particualrly have any allegiances, but perhaps I jsut don't know any better, this is why I ask.

Roddimus Prime May-5th-2004 03:59 PM

II-Savy...the number of mods shouldn't be what determines's still an ES with modification.

Poseur, I don't owe you any explanation of why I don't like other forums. It's not my place to tell you where to get your info from. I'm not shallow enough to think that because something is not for me means it's not for anyone. You visit any forums you want and make decisions based on what YOU want to. I personally prefer the maturity and lack of crap of this forum.

p.s. The reason it seems like "my realm" over here is because I'm always on. Mackdaddyslomo and I are about the only frequenting mods here. Also, I'm trying to re-jump start the forum by offering special group buys and new products here. I have a good attitude and I'm trying to spread that so new visitors will see and enjoy this forum.

p.p.s I don't dislike you. I dislike some of your worthless OT posts.

03ESPro May-5th-2004 04:02 PM

Sure, if you add up the cosmetic stuff, and look at the suspension pieces individually it seems like a lot, but aside from those, its mainly just a somewhat lackluster turbo setup (compared to aftermarket kits now available) added on to the same motor. Don't get me wrong, I think the MSP's look awesome, and will definitely outrun my ES, but they're still basically the same car. Hence the name, Mazdaspeed PROTEGE. I'm not looking for an argument, I was just trying to keep things in perspective earlier, as Roddimus also pointed out.

Prote-J May-5th-2004 05:12 PM

okay .. I will put my 2 cent worthless post in... everybody just take some Mydol or something and relax....

kargoboy May-5th-2004 05:13 PM

I gotta agree with Rod on the MSP thing, it's still basically a 3rd gen and belongs in the same category. There is a ton of info about every model on this forum. I have found answers to just about every question I've had and when I've had to ask I didn't get crap or stupid answers from anyone.
I belong to two other forums but rarely visit either one of them or post. I know some of you are members also and this is not directed to any of you, but good god, there are a lot of idiots out there and I just don't have the patience to wade through the trash.
And---at least most of the ppl who post here have a grasp of proper grammar!!!! *personal gripe*

Roddimus Prime May-5th-2004 06:20 PM

hahaha!! I hate the ricer-speak!!

Prote-J May-5th-2004 06:21 PM

yeah... I hate it when they can't spell or use the wrong words ..... quite irritating...

Roddimus Prime May-5th-2004 06:33 PM

fer shur

94protolx May-5th-2004 06:36 PM

I will agree that the MSP is based on the ES but in reality it is its own car.. what does it share besides the engine and the frame.....I mean there is more then a few upgrades on the MSP but it is just an upgraded ES.. and I would also agree that this is one of the better forums for mazda's but has lately lacked active members myself included. I just hope that those members that are acitve dont turn retarded over night

03ESPro May-5th-2004 07:12 PM

Originally posted by 94protolx
I will agree that the MSP is based on the ES but in reality it is its own car.. what does it share besides the engine and the frame.....
:rolleyes: hmm...pretty much everything, just with some changes here and there. It's funny to me that the only people who don't seem to think its still a Protege, are the people who own the Speeds. Does it make you feel better to think you don't drive a Protege? Just curious.

Wait, I just reread your post, and now I'm even more confused.

Quote "I mean there is more then a few upgrades on the MSP but it is just an upgraded ES"

Didn't you just refute your own statement above?

94protolx May-5th-2004 07:16 PM

what my point is that yes it is an es but there is no comparison
i would drive an es dx I have a 94 also i like all protege's im just saying while it is just a modified es it is a different beast

macdaddyslomo May-5th-2004 07:27 PM

Thought I'd pop in and add some stuff...The whole "this forum is dead" talk is getting old. It WAS pretty dead, but traffic is slowly but surely increasing, partially because of better moderating, partially because of old members coming back and partially because the site has become MUCH more reliable. I have no beefs with other forums, and I always come back here, due to the wealth of knowledge and this boards history.

The Mazdaspeed Protege issue...A more accurate statement would probably be its an MP3 with a few mods. To say its a different car is rediculous though...If you turbo a P5 and put racing beat springs, MSP swaybars, Tokico HP's, and a Mazdaspeed LSD is it still a P5 ?? Of course it is...use a little logic people

94protolx May-5th-2004 07:49 PM

why is everyone so quick to say oh "your wrong phuck bag"
we get it so ots the same car

Poseur May-5th-2004 08:01 PM

Originally posted by Roddimus Prime
II-Savy...the number of mods shouldn't be what determines's still an ES with modification.

Poseur, I don't owe you any explanation of why I don't like other forums. It's not my place to tell you where to get your info from. I'm not shallow enough to think that because something is not for me means it's not for anyone. You visit any forums you want and make decisions based on what YOU want to. I personally prefer the maturity and lack of crap of this forum.

p.s. The reason it seems like "my realm" over here is because I'm always on. Mackdaddyslomo and I are about the only frequenting mods here. Also, I'm trying to re-jump start the forum by offering special group buys and new products here. I have a good attitude and I'm trying to spread that so new visitors will see and enjoy this forum.

p.p.s I don't dislike you. I dislike some of your worthless OT posts.

This is about the only time I've really got OT, apart from directing ppl to the darkside, but I still atleast try to provide insight. And the re-direction is done purely out of wanting to help. I know I'm not any cherished knowledge base, but I like to believe that generally what I have to say helps. I'm really not trying topick on you man, please don't take this as an attack. Calling my posts worthless isn't exactly friendly-speak. And again, if this is out of place, etc. you're a mod, delete it, I meanit, I'd hate to taint happy-world.

As long as I'm OT anyway, and due to get my ass slapped and my birthday taken away, The other thing that gets fishy-seeming is when you've got a mod who's also a vendor. Kinda tosses an inherant bias into the mix. I personally don't have a problem with this, but essentially it turns this site rather commercial, even if you're simply trying to help it out by offering the deals.

cosmo420 May-5th-2004 09:09 PM

so in other words like what was stated was that the MSP is an ES with a few mods, and so then the Buick GN is a Regal with a few mods? come' on.

94protolx May-5th-2004 09:40 PM

alright this is like beating a dead horse with a stick

Poseur May-6th-2004 04:17 AM

Okay, my apologies for getting so OT and all...

as far as my take on the MSP thing. it seems as though there's alot of MSP owners who are getting to the point of moving on which may indeed mean a surge in true enthusiasts coming about getting ahold of some of those sweet turbo'd tighthandling machines, and not spending soo much on them that they're afraid to mess things up. Thatsaid, (and this is not a dis) but there doesn't seem to really be the amount of traffic in here to jsutify it as-of-yet. ALso with the rise of turbo'd 5's and es's etc out there the lines are blurry.

cosmo420 May-6th-2004 05:51 AM

Originally posted by Poseur
Okay, my apologies for getting so OT and all...

as far as my take on the MSP thing. it seems as though there's alot of MSP owners who are getting to the point of moving on which may indeed mean a surge in true enthusiasts coming about getting ahold of some of those sweet turbo'd tighthandling machines, and not spending soo much on them that they're afraid to mess things up. Thatsaid, (and this is not a dis) but there doesn't seem to really be the amount of traffic in here to jsutify it as-of-yet. ALso with the rise of turbo'd 5's and es's etc out there the lines are blurry.

well put indeed that was the best response i have heard yet,

Six May-8th-2004 05:27 AM

MazdaSPeed Protege
I own a yellow Mazdaspeed Protege, 2003.5. I was appalled to read what some of the MSP owners wrote on this topic. The Protege is basically a PRotege with many mods........ but it's still a protege........... I love my protege, and I think it's a great car, but it's still a Protege. It's almost like saying an Integra Type-r isn't an integra............ I'm sorry, but it was just ridiculous to hear that some people think the MSP is it's own.......... if it was it's own, why does it use the same 2.0 liter engine the Normal Protege uses??? slapping on a turbo doesn't make it it's OWN.......... It shares the same chasis and base engine for god sakes!, lol.

Well, I'm just dropping by to give my opinion, and this opinion is coming from someone who drives an MSP 2003.5.


cosmo420 May-8th-2004 07:12 AM

this was just about to see if there can be a seperate forum period. not that it is a different model and i agree that its still a pro with mods, and i stand corrected but my issue was to ask since there are so many models of pro's there that the msp could have it's own forum but i know now that it shouldnt. geezz
sorry for the suggestion, and maybe i will crawl back in my cave for another 5 to 6 months. by the way six can you explain titanium yellow to me that is in your sig?

03ESPro May-8th-2004 10:42 AM

If I remember correctly, that's what they call Vivid Yellow in Canada. As far as the MSP having its own forum, that's one of the biggest things I hate about some of the other boards. They've got separate forums for the sedan, P5, MP3 and MSP's, but the cars are all basically the same in a lot of respects, and you tend to lose some of the people that could very well answer a question you had because they might not frequent the other section.

94protolx May-8th-2004 11:12 AM

the only reason I suggested a seperate forum is that sometimes it is hard to scroll through the shit that might not apply to me or, specific stuff about the MSP that I am looking for. I will agree that it is the same engine and blaw its the same damn car. Like I said before I am informaton greedy.

Six May-9th-2004 04:41 AM

Mazdaspeed Protege
Titanium Yellow is the color of my MSP. I'm sorry if I was a bit aggressive on my previous post, I don't mean to be out of line or anything like that. As for the MSP having it's own separate little section.......... It might not be such a bad idea.........


Rawyzf May-10th-2004 02:39 PM

I think the MSP should have it's own section. I also think the PR5 and the ES need thier own little sub sections under 3rd Gen.

The cars are similar and you can do a search on the whole 3rd gen area if you want. But if you are looking for a specific detail on only the MSP, you can't do that, you have to look at all the results of the 3rd gen.

I hope this makes sense, sorry.


MSP 2003.5 Pull me over Yellow!

cosmo420 May-10th-2004 06:14 PM

im not even going to touch this anymore

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