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Da P-Funk! June-21st-2005 07:39 AM

Interior Buzz at 2K RPM

Okay, i searched - no mas

My driver side A pillar buzzes at 2K RPM - i have taken the cover off (it just snaps) and felt all around it. Pushing, pulling, etc. to get it to stop.



Matty Mooling June-21st-2005 08:29 AM

good luck with that... i had a buzzing in my passenger's door a while back after i took the panel off to fix my locks but i was too lazy to take it back off and find what it was. amazingly it's disappeared and no longer a problem.

JDM-P5 June-21st-2005 08:43 AM

Maybe a little insulation will make the vibration quit....?

Matt...who is that lady in your avatar pic?

Matty Mooling June-21st-2005 08:54 AM

one of my biggest pet peeves is vibrations and rattling. i was in my friend's Lancer the other night and i wanted to jump out of the car. there were so many things buzzing it was unbelievable. the worst was the muffler vibrating on the back bumper. but anywho i would try using some thin insulation on the contact points of the pillar cover and see if that works. if that doesn't work and it bothers you that much just remove the cover...

and phil that's my other girlfriend... Alessandra Ambrosio. She's a victoria's secret model

JDM-P5 June-21st-2005 08:56 AM

Uggggggggggggggggggggh....I knew she looked familiar. She's got the most seductive eyes EVER!

But, back on point....try the insulation.

Jackelope June-21st-2005 09:11 AM

you should ride in msp, back deck goes crazy when coming back through the 2k range...

Matty Mooling June-21st-2005 09:16 AM

right now i don't have a single vibration/rattle/buzz in my P5 and i'm loving it... knock on wood

zerocover June-21st-2005 03:09 PM

No vibrations here I find weather stripping works wonders as well as carpet insulation its the foam stuff be sure to get the synthetic none of that natural crap.

Now iff only I could get the out side of the car to stop rattling up a storm whenever the bass hits. I think its the licence plate, some of the badges and even the spoiler as well as some metal thing under the car. I really need dynamat but am way to cheap.

MC June-21st-2005 08:29 PM

the licenceplate problem i solvec easily...

u know when u get new computer parts like externam drives etc etc... they give u them rubber things to put under onthe stands??? one side with tape and otherside just rubber/

put like 6 of them around the edges of ur plate on the inside...

since i got my sub i put em there and now no noise from there @ all

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