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don668 April-15th-2002 05:38 PM

I do miss driving in Toronto. We used to live in Guelph and drove there every weekend. Nothing like screaming down the 401 in the right lane @ 145kph with some guy tale-gateing me thinking I'm going too slow! 8 lanes each way (including collectors) of pure driving excitement. Better yet the Lakeshore or DVP in rush hour!
God, even my 35ton Front end garbage truck I drove for Laidlaw would do 120 loaded.

Calgary.... drivers just plain suck.:thumbs do


proman April-16th-2002 10:52 AM

Imagine the traffic in NYC during rush hour........ I used to live there and it is no fun driving a manual. I first learned to drive on a manual so I'm so used to it and i don't care. And the roads near the city all have pot holes so i don't even want to drive too fast.

arl240 April-16th-2002 12:44 PM

Holy smokes, it is no wonder so many people croak on the 401....180 km/h.....braking distance.....pile-up......

Calgary drivers do suck....not as bad as some Sask drivers though.

KrisA April-16th-2002 03:14 PM

I actually thought the majority of Calgary drivers were pretty decent. :dunno: With the execption of a few morons who couldn't keep their SUV's in the narrow downtown lanes. :mad:

I've got a 3000km road trip coming up in about a month. Me and the then new wife are driving out to the mountains for a 1 week honeymoon. I want to stop off in Banff, Radium, Whistler, Vancouver and anywhere else cool we see. I can't wait to tear up those twisty roads in my MR2!

arl240 April-16th-2002 04:45 PM

It just seems to me like there are a lot of broken signal lights and side mirrors in Calgary. A lot of people switch lanes on the fly without checking or signalling. In Saskatoon most people don't even know what a shoulder check is (including truckers) and almost none have any intention of signalling to change or turn. :mad:

Toronto drivers though are crazy. Once their signal goes on they think they have the right to change lanes even if there is someone in their way. Not to mention the fact they all speed. :eek:

But as we all know, only top-notch drivers are allowed to buy Proteges b/c of their fantastic handling. If it was to get into the wrong hands (ie - dumbass street racers) the world would collapse as we know it. :cool:

I love this symbol....heh heh....:spam:

don668 April-16th-2002 11:06 PM

Weirdest things I found in Southern Ontario is

1.People dont signal.... EVER!

2.People flip you off as quickly as they'd wave to you. And NO ONE expects you to jump out of your car after they flip you off to see what their problem is!

So I found out, picture this...real pissed off guy in his brand new Mustang GT Convertable almost side swiped then flipped off. Add knee still swollen from surgery three days earlier, hobbling on crutches screaming at this guy to get out of his car. Damn he was shocked!! (add wife laughing at the situation so hard she was crying):laugh:


don668 April-16th-2002 11:47 PM

I donno, I thought beating on his window with the foam armpit part of my crutch was completely called for. :D

But one of those things my wife will never let me live down!


don668 April-17th-2002 12:57 AM

ok.... last story, your throwing shit reminded me of it.

I got married in Guelph and because my wife is Scottish we had the Kilts, pipers, drummers, etc. So we had to get Kilts for the best men from the Scottish Shop on Yonge St. Since the 401 was completely backed up, we took the rental van (with my father in law- scottish... problem right there and 3 best men) on the QEW to Lakeshore. Of course their doing construction on the Lakeshore and the right hand lane was ending. Everyone was taking turns letting one guy in and so on.

I let my guy in in front of me and this asshole brown guy (note: I have lots of east indian friends so no predjudism intended, he was an asshole... period) doesn't want to wait his turn and trys to get in front of me too. I just keep doing my speed and when he runs out of lane, instead of backing off he almost hits the rental and completely blocks me. THEN when I had to let him in he fingers me! (prick)

So when the lanes finally open I get beside him and were going about 25kph. with 5 people bitching him out the guy spits @ us! My only reaction is to throw my smoke @ him and it bounces off his arm. So he starts looking on the dash reaching for some thing to throw and PLOWS into the car in front of him!! Too funny!:rofl:

Made for quite the story at the wedding!

(sorry about the book)


rowan April-17th-2002 01:24 AM

Hehe... c'mon toronto's not really that bad is it?
Just stay off the roads between 4:30 and 7:00 PM ;)
If you want to see lots of bad driving, take a trip to Waterloo some time ...

As far as the Ottawa = bad drivers statistic goes.. think of how many diplomats and shit there are in Ottawa. That probably throws the curve off quite a bit.

And hell yeah Montreal/Quebec drivers are crazy .. stay away from them! Think they own the road they do .. crazy Francophones.

Makaveli April-17th-2002 07:34 AM

Originally posted by don668
So he starts looking on the dash reaching for some thing to throw and PLOWS into the car in front of him!! Too funny!:rofl:


Hahahaha, that's funny :rofl:

don668 April-17th-2002 11:55 PM

I have quit smoking though.... don't know what the hell to throw next time....


Mxyzptlk April-23rd-2002 10:11 PM

Well after 1800 someodd miles. I made it. It only took about 5 tanks of gas. Maybe 6. & that was lugging about 600 pounds of crap. Including my passenger. The Car mask is now a bug memorial.

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