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Little Donny March-10th-2002 08:48 PM

Detailing help!
The sprinkler made a mess all over the front of my car. I washed it and the water spots didn't come off. I took some polish to it and they finally came off. The problem is all over the mesh of the grill there is still that nasty white residue. I can't even fit my finger inside the tiny holes. Is there anything I can spray on there to take it off?

Mxyzptlk March-11th-2002 12:36 AM

Very Soft toothbrush. You could take out the grill easily and take it inside and dry it with a blow dryer. But you know its just gonna happen again. Try the toothbrush. A kid sized one

Bruce95fmla March-11th-2002 01:24 AM

yeah takint it out may be the best bet ,. Also some Eagle One Wet Look , sold in a black bottle , in most auto shops , .will help to protect the paint from bird droppings, water spots, tree sap and so forth , I used it all the time ...

Sir Nuke March-11th-2002 07:50 AM

another type of brush that works like a champ is a BOTTLE brush...a small one of course....a bottle brush is one that the bristles go all the way around ....stick out in all can sometimes find little ones in the HOUSEWARES sections of know....for use in a kitchen.....or in a chemistry supply....test tube cleaning brushes.....they work really well.

blades242 March-11th-2002 08:23 AM

Try pure vinegar, it usually works pretty well for removing hard water spots...

onehawaiian March-11th-2002 11:49 AM

soft cloth and a screwdriver for the grill. water spots? eeugh, hate 'em. i just use dri wash 'n guard from envirotech; the water beads right off :)

Maxx Mazda March-11th-2002 05:26 PM

I'd just use some good 'ol fashioned elbow grease. As for spots, I've got about 13 coats of Zaino on my car, so they just wash away. :)

ProRedWagon March-11th-2002 06:38 PM

Q-Tips I use Q-tips to fine clean all the nooks & crannies. They work great and there cheap, and they fit in all the little tight spots. there great for getting the wax from around emblems, I also use a toothbrush to though.

Smoothy March-11th-2002 08:21 PM

Originally posted by Maxx Mazda
I've got about 13 coats of Zaino on my car, so they just wash away. :)
13?! Serious?? Did you put the gloss on each time too? I only had time to get 3 coats on mine before "winter" hit. Zaino rules though! :-)

Maxx Mazda March-11th-2002 11:27 PM

Originally posted by Smoothy

13?! Serious?? Did you put the gloss on each time too? I only had time to get 3 coats on mine before "winter" hit. Zaino rules though! :-)

Dead serious my man! My dad has nearly twice as many on his Vette! I Zaino my car every time I wash it. The night I brought her home, it was Dawn, clay bar, then all the "Z" steps. It's late and I can't recall now, but the four I use the most are the pink like goop, then the actual wax, then the black bottle swirl remover, then the gloss polish. My dad's got it all worked out. Great to see another Zaino fan out there!

blades242 March-12th-2002 07:40 AM

Ive got 15 layers of Z5 and 18 of Z2 on my red P5 now. Its really cool because once you get enough layers on, water stops beading and starts sheeting off. Ive stopped noticing the car getting any shinier with additional layers, so the next nice weekend, im going to do 3 more layers of Z2 ( to fill any marring and start with a fresh surface) and add a few layers of Zymol Japon. From talking to a few other people, this should give the plasticy shine of the Zaino a little more depth... Ill let you know how it works...

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