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01ProES January-17th-2003 02:28 AM

Re: Crappy horn...

Originally posted by LOS-323
Who else thinks the horn on Pros are too high pitched. It sounds more like a chirpy beep than a honk to me.

I remember when I got my car, and my parents heard it, they were like "What the hell is that? Is your horn going bad?" Even some of my friends have made fun of how it sounds. I want to change it.

Has anyone changed it? And if so... What did you get? How did it sound?

My friend got a triple airhorn. It sounds like a tractor trailer...

LOS-323 January-17th-2003 09:23 AM

I really like the sound of the horns in BMWs. I might just go to the local BMW dealer and buy one.

I guess itīs easier to pick out one you like from cars you pass by, and then just go to that dealer and say, "I want a replacement horn from model X".

Arghman January-17th-2003 09:48 AM

My friend with an Rx7 TT hated his horn too so he got a 120 dB horn that kicked anyone's ass who stood in front of him haha

Tom Slick January-17th-2003 10:02 AM

these would probably make you happy.
Hella twin horns

JJB January-17th-2003 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Tom Slick
these would probably make you happy.
Hella twin horns

I used to have a set of those on my previous car, they do sound pretty damn good... but they do take up a lot more room than the stock one.

multipath January-19th-2003 12:04 AM

Originally posted by JDMstuff
You can take the ones off of a big rig :D . That'll get someone's attention. And yeah, all Japanese car horns sound weak.
Now there's a smart man!! If you're gonna go to all the trouble, might as well get a bad-ass sounding horn. :D

LOS-323 January-20th-2003 09:35 AM

Originally posted by Tom Slick
these would probably make you happy.
Hella twin horns

I bought ones that look EXACTLY like those. They are made in Italy, and are not Hella, but they look exactly the same... even the little holding brackets look the same.

They sound awesome!

But, like JJB said, they take a lot of room, and I couldnīt install them where the stock one used to be... I had to install them behind the front-right strut tower. I couldnīt install it anywhere else because of all the AC tubing, and I didnīt have enough time. But I might try and set it up behind the bottom front grill (not the top one where the emblem is, but the one between the fog lights).

EZ as 123 January-29th-2003 12:53 AM

trip to junkyard
rip out an old F-150 horns out
pay $5
swap out horns on P5
go for a drive
scare the shit out of unsuspecting motorists :cool:

LOS-323 January-29th-2003 09:16 AM

Originally posted by EZ as 123
trip to junkyard
rip out an old F-150 horns out
pay $5
swap out horns on P5
go for a drive
scare the shit out of unsuspecting motorists :cool:

If you had written "priceless" at the end, it would have been a MasterCard commercial. :D

dynamho January-29th-2003 10:04 AM

Hey, question about installing the second horn in parallel. Where did you mount it? What size bolt?

LOS-323 January-30th-2003 11:56 AM

Originally posted by dynamho
Hey, question about installing the second horn in parallel. Where did you mount it? What size bolt?

The kit comes with these little metal holders to attach the horns. I used those to attach both to the same bolt on the passenger strut tower. (one of those bolts that have no nut on them... or is it nut with no bolt... anyway...).

I will eventually move the horns to a position closer to the front (perhaps right behind the grill that is between the fog lights... I think there is enough space there).

The kit came with these overcomplicated instructions and a relay, but I didnīt need it, so I tossed it and the instructions away (Iīm an electrical engineer, so I never read manuals or istructions unless I burn or break something).

I donīt know the bolt size... I just looked through a bag of old bolts I had and used one. Just find one that fits. Make sure they are tight, or the vibration from the sound will move them.

Itīs a piece of cake to do. Just takes a little thinking to install both of them and not have the hood touch them.

dynamho January-30th-2003 01:05 PM

Thanks for the tip.

I believe there's a hole to mount the second horn on the chassis frame (above the radiator). The factory horn is mounted in this frame on the passenger side. This extra hole is on the driver side. Perhaps you can mount it there.

LOS-323 January-30th-2003 02:21 PM

Originally posted by dynamho
Thanks for the tip.

I believe there's a hole to mount the second horn on the chassis frame (above the radiator). The factory horn is mounted in this frame on the passenger side. This extra hole is on the driver side. Perhaps you can mount it there.

I tried mounting them where the factory horn was... but they are just a little bit too big... they didnīt fit (at least the ones I bought... some other brand might fit).

dynamho January-30th-2003 03:36 PM

I'm asking this because you're an electrical engineer. You're running two horns each drawing about 4 amps for a total of about 8 amps, right? The factory wiring seems to be a thin 18-gauge. In your experience, is this safe? Won't it overheat the wiring?

hihoslva January-30th-2003 04:13 PM

Wow - how have I missed this thread for so long.....;)

Anyway - I have a set of air horns, and have had them for quite a while. One of the best upgrades I've done so far.

Because of my inexperience with wiring them, I bought a set for a Miata from Moss Motors:

I had put this exact set on my Miata, and was very pleased. Plus, they are designed for the single-wire horn setup, just like the Protege.

Anyway - I had a "hella" of a time (sorry - couldn't resist, even tho they are FIAMMs) finding a place to mount the horns under the hood. I still had my stock intake, and things are crowded under there. But I did find a very satisfactory location for both the horns and the compressor. I did have to extend the stock horn wire a few inches to reach, but that was no big deal. I have some pictures on WebShots that show the mounting pretty well:

I used the mounting bracket that came with the kit (remember, Miata) for the horns (had to trim the bracket just a smidge), and the stock horn bracket for the compressor.

Hope that helps some.


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