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Bill August-19th-2002 09:10 PM

punks trashed my Gen1!!!
Hey Guys,
Sorry I don't post much, thought's there though!!!
Anyway, I was laying in bed (5am) Saturday, wide awake for no reason, when I heard a diesel vehicle haul ass down my street, then a loud crash!! I ran outside and saw a F350 Dually barrelling to the end of the street(dead end) then come back. They stopped by the Pro' for a second, and that's when I saw the shopping cart wrapped all over the trunk. So I grabbed the wife's car, chased 'em down and copied the plate # .
I called the coppers when I got home and they showed up, I declined to press charges, as the damage didn't look bad.
When the sun rose though, man, I could see all kinds of messed up stuff. I went and got a repair estimate($1153 :eek: ), filed a criminal mischief complaint, then got online and traced the plate to a house in a small town outside of San Antonio. Went for a ride, found the house with the truck parked in front, and knocked on the door. " Mommy" answered the door and I ratted out the kid, told her I would drop charges when they fixed the car.
BTW, this is the car I got on Ebay awhile back for $1500

Bill August-19th-2002 09:36 PM

Yeah, it was random, they don't even live near here. If you're gonna go mess around and try to not attract attention, a frikkin diesel pickup is NOT a good choice as a quiet getaway vehicle.
If they don't pay to fix it, I will take them to court.

NOBLEWV August-19th-2002 10:00 PM

One quick question - WHERE do you go ONLINE to trade a vehicle license plate?? I'd LOVE to know! Thanks!

Bill August-19th-2002 10:04 PM

Go to and register.... it co$t$ though....

fourty03 August-20th-2002 02:38 AM


You got some patients..... hehe ;) If that was me, I would not only got there license plate , i would had done something stupid... Your way would work out better though in the long view ....


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