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Abzzz July-30th-2003 02:47 AM

ok going crazy now!!!
this HOLD light is gettin me crazy... its comin n goin... i dunno wat to do ! it seems like when the engine warms up then i restart the car its wat should i do ? should i just pinpoint tht single prob or just get a used tranny ??? please ne bit of info wud help !! ASAP!

Abzzz July-30th-2003 01:49 PM

hehe sorry abt tht... well i got a 92 323 auto... n its got this hold button on the gear... so when im startin my car.. the HOLD light starts blinking.. n the gears wont shift properly (the acceleration pedals like heavy then)... so thts tht... now when the car warms up n i restart it.. tht lights gone n gears shift normally... thts abt it for the symptoms...

semtex July-30th-2003 02:32 PM

your tranny is on its last legs, make plans for another tranny

Bruce95fmla July-30th-2003 02:38 PM

Originally posted by semtex
your tranny is on its last legs, make plans for another tranny
woooooah , are you serious

semtex July-30th-2003 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Bruce95fmla

woooooah , are you serious

that or its low on fluid, but normally thats the sign before the tranny explodes, a blinking hold light

UCSBgeek July-30th-2003 07:31 PM

It is not necesarily true that it is going to die. A flashing hold light means there is an error in the computer.

You posted on this thread, read it through again.

90&00 Protege lists what can cause the hold light to flash. You need to have somebody pull the codes from the computer. The Haynes manual will probably tell you how-- I can't look it up though, since I'm not at home.

owinbush August-3rd-2003 10:34 PM

having had the sorry first gen auto and having put two new trannies in my car in the space of 3 years i'd have to agree with semtex. get ready to buy a tranny and if you're smart you'll get it converted to a five speed. the blinking light does usually indicate that something is wrong with the computer however, with the symptoms you're having i'd bet the tranny is actually gonna go.

my first pro was hit buy lightning and the fried the computer. the hold light blinked but it wouldn't shift out of first gear. when the trannies were of their last legs they would shift but it would be really unpredictable and slip and all of that good "automatic on the way out" stuff. believe me you're better off with a used 5 speed than a rebuilt auto...make the investment.

bpt323 August-4th-2003 12:08 AM

$50 323 auto tranny up for sale by me....only has 49k on it.......

anyone if your interested let me know...
It really needs to go.

Abzzz August-4th-2003 11:44 AM

well changed tranny.. thanx a lot for the tips! ... nehow... got a quick question... usually in my previous tranny.. i alwayz put the gear in neutral a lot (its an auto).. like u know in traffic lights... or when im decelarating... now i got tht habit coz dunno some1 said tranny needs to cool thts y... so in a usual day.. id move up n down a lot frm N to D to N... wats the pros/cons ?


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